Micro-OCP (55)

Mon, 6 Feb 89 19:55:24 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 565. Monday, 6 Feb 1989.

(1) Date: Mon, 6 Feb 89 14:01 EST (20 lines)
From: Ivy Anderson <ANDERSON@BRANDEIS>
Subject: Micro-OCP availability

(2) Date: 6 Feb 89 21:00:06 EST (Mon) (16 lines)
From: Daniel Ridings <ridings@hum.gu.se>
Subject: Micro OCP

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 89 14:01 EST
From: Ivy Anderson <ANDERSON@BRANDEIS>
Subject: Micro-OCP availability

In response to MBB@JESSICA.STANFORD's query concerning availability of
Micro-OCP, Oxford was demonstrating this package at its exhibit booth
at the American Library Association Midwinter meeting in January.
According to the literature I picked up it is available from the
following address:

Oxford Electronic Publishing
Oxford University Press
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

tel. (212) 889-0206

The flyer also lists the price as $275 individual, $395 institutional,
with site licensing options for use on educational networks. It is said
to run on the "IBM PC, XT, or AT (and close compatibles)."
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------28----
Date: 6 Feb 89 21:00:06 EST (Mon)
From: Daniel Ridings <ridings@hum.gu.se>
Subject: Micro OCP

Be careful with Micro OCP. Just today we discovered something that just
might be a bug. Imagine you have the following lines:

text text ... dia-
<B 2>
fulassoi text text text text

Even if you have "text hyphen "-"." Micro OCP seems to miss the second
half when a COCOA reference comes between. This happened to us while
working with Plutarch where the a,b,c,d,e references do not always fall
at a natural break in the line.