electronic Shakespeare (34)

Wed, 1 Mar 89 19:53:41 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 663. Wednesday, 1 Mar 1989.

Date: Wed, 1 MAR 89 18:18:46 GMT

Humanists with an interest in the Bard will no doubt be pleased to learn
that Oxford Electronic Publishing has just published the long-awaited
Electronic Shakespeare. This is a handsomely bound volume containing
either 10 3.5-inch or 20 5.25-inch disks for the IBM PC and a snazzy
green booklet. The diskettes contain the full text of the recently
published Wells/Taylor OUP Shakespeare edition, tagged for use with the
Oxford Concordance Program or anything else that can make sense of its
style of markup. The booklet contains a full description of the markup
used and some examples of how to use it with OCP. The whole shooting
match will set you back 150 crisp oncers in the EEC, or 300 greenbacks
in the RestOfWorld, excluding P&P, VAT etc etc. Or you can even persuade
your library to take out a site licence (500/1000 dittos) which
entitles licensees to install (i.e. presumably copy) the disks onto 'an
unlimited number of computers or a local area network within their
Contact Ann Yates at OEP (OUP, Walton St, Oxford OX2 6DP;
+44(865)56767 or fax +44(865)56646
Please form an orderly queue.


(who is not, alas, getting any royalties on the deal)