of ducks and poets (36)

Mon, 6 Mar 89 19:55:48 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 679. Monday, 6 Mar 1989.

(1) Date: Sat, 04 Mar 89 10:30:29 IST (9 lines)
From: Ron Zweig <H27@TAUNIVM>
Subject: Re: secret society of Humanists (47)

(2) Date: Friday, 3 March 1989 2227-EST (7 lines)
From: TREAT@PENNDRLS (Jay Treat, Religious Studies, Penn)
Subject: Author? Author?

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 89 10:30:29 IST
From: Ron Zweig <H27@TAUNIVM>
Subject: Re: secret society of Humanists (47)

I vote against the mallard as logo. It is reminiscent of a dead duck,
and therefore not an appropriate symbol for Humanist computing.

Ron Zweig
Tel Aviv University
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------10----
Date: Friday, 3 March 1989 2227-EST
From: TREAT@PENNDRLS (Jay Treat, Religious Studies, Penn)
Subject: Author? Author?

I do not recognize the first "poem" but it has all the marks of being
verse by Edgar A. Guest. I'm confident the second piece can be found in
McGuffy's Reader.