online databases (25)

Thu, 13 Apr 89 19:05:47 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 831. Thursday, 13 Apr 1989.

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 13:07 EDT
From: Peter D. Junger <JUNGER@CWRU>
Subject: Information about online databases in the Humanities.

There is a publication called Computer-Readable Databases,
A Directory and Data Source Book, issued by the American Library Association
and edited by Martha E. Williams. Vol. II covers: business, law, humanities
and social science. The most recent edition that I know of was in

I have not seen this work, but Pat Harris, the Law Librarian at
the University of Missouri at Kansas City has told me that it is
very comprehensive and helpful.

Peter D. Junger--CWRU Law School--Cleveland, OH--bitnet: JUNGER@CWRU