3.165 Urdu? Swedish address? word meaning? (67)

Fri, 23 Jun 89 18:23:08 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 165. Friday, 23 Jun 1989.

(1) Date: Fri, 23 JUN 89 09:03:46 BST (20 lines)
Subject: Urdu

(2) Date: Friday, 23 June 1989 0918-EST (9 lines)
Subject: Swedish E-mail Address Request

(3) Date: Fri, 23 Jun 89 16:39:07 IST (14 lines)
From: daniel boyarin <BOYARIN@TAUNIVM>
Subject: medieval romance word

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 23 JUN 89 09:03:46 BST
Subject: Urdu

Barbara Crossette's article in the NY Times (June 4, 1989) circulated on
HUMANIST recently was interesting. As an Urdu speaker, as well as one who
dabbles in Urdu calligraphy, I would very much like to know what has been
done to bring the Nastaliq script to our screens (and printers). Any
information would be most welcome. Yet the article also left me a little
puzzled. If Urdu is one language that has "still eluded the typesetters",
(and therefore presumably the computer-wallahs), then this implies that
the problem of Persian has been solved. And if the problem of Persian has
been solved, then Urdu presents no difficulty, as all that needs to be added
is one little diacritical to modify certain dentals making them retroflex.
Furthermore, if Persian has been set, this would obviate the need for an
adapted Arabic type for Urdu (which is used quite widely) which looks
most ugly (see Platts dictionary of classical Hindi and Urdu, for example).
Urdu may be a minority language, but we ought to remember that "minority"
in the Indian/Pakistani context can still mean many tens (scores even)
of millions of people.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------12----
Date: Friday, 23 June 1989 0918-EST
Subject: Swedish E-mail Address Request

A letter from someone at Lund SWEDEN suggested that I could
"send the material electronically c/o Peter Bryder at:
Weng@GEMINI.LDC.SE" but I am getting rejected using that
address. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
Bob Kraft
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------18----
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 89 16:39:07 IST
From: daniel boyarin <BOYARIN@TAUNIVM>
Subject: medieval romance word

In the fourteenth century in Germany, there appears a new literary genre
in talmudic commentary called glosses of "gornisch". Since these same texts
are referred to in Hebrew by a word that means margins, I suspect this of
being a medieval french word that has some such meaning. does anyone know of
a usage of "garniture" or something like that to mean the margins of books
where one would write glosses. it could be somewhat earlier than the
fourteenth century as judaeo romance tends to be quite conservative.

Any help will be much appreciated.