3.211 Peter the Wild Boy? Church Fathers? (48)

Wed, 5 Jul 89 20:01:07 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 211. Wednesday, 5 Jul 1989.

(1) Date: Wed, 5 Jul 89 13:10:00 EDT (15 lines)
From: <BCJ@PSUVM.bitnet>
Subject: query

(2) DATE: Wednesday, July 5, 1989 - 14:38:46 MST (13 lines)
FROM: John J. Hughes <XB.J24@Stanford.BITNET>
SUBJECT: Early Church Fathers

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 89 13:10:00 EDT
From: <BCJ@PSUVM.bitnet>
Subject: query

Maria Edgeworth, in _Practical Education_ (1798), notes that Peter the
Wild Boy's head, "as Mr. Wedgwood and many others had remarked, resembled
that of Socrates" (I, 63).

I know this is pretty obscure stuff, but maybe there are some HUMANISTs
out there who could direct me to discussions of Peter the Wild Boy, or to
a possible source for Wedgwood's comment (or some of the many others).

Kevin Berland
Penn State
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------17----
DATE: Wednesday, July 5, 1989 - 14:38:46 MST
FROM: John J. Hughes <XB.J24@Stanford.BITNET>
SUBJECT: Early Church Fathers

Dear Humanists,

Does anyone know of machine-reabable versions of the Early Greek
and Latin Fathers?

John Hughes