3.439 displaced hearts, and parts (72)

Wed, 6 Sep 89 21:48:53 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 439. Wednesday, 6 Sep 1989.

(1) Date: Wed, 6 SEP 89 10:30:47 BST (13 lines)
Subject: displaced other parts

(2) Date: Wed, 6 Sep 89 13:18 BST (21 lines)
Subject: RE: 3.434 displaced hearts, cont. (39)

(3) Date: Wed, 6 Sep 89 03:55:00 EDT (13 lines)
From: N.J.Morgan@vme.glasgow.ac.uk
Subject: Re: 3.434 displaced hearts, cont. (39)

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 6 SEP 89 10:30:47 BST
Subject: displaced other parts

Speaking of displaced hearts and parts, an arcane item came up for sale at
Sotheby's a while ago. It was a part of Bonaparte (some might say the bonus
part...), which was brought to sale, presumably, by a *private* collector...

Hope this is not too tasteless for fellow humanists; it falls in
the strange but true category, and we humanists must not fear to face the
truth where it appears.

Catherine Griffin
Oxford University Comnputing Service
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------24----
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 89 13:18 BST
Subject: RE: 3.434 displaced hearts, cont. (39)

Another displaced heart...

An early skirmish between German invaders and local Bakweri around mount
Cameroon in Cameroon (West Africa) resulted in the death of a German
officer. Since his troops knew that if they carried off his body they
too would be killed, but also "knew" that the Bakweri would eat his
heart they removed it and took it with them. The body was later
recovered seperately, and I'm afraid I don't know if both were buried
in Cameroon, or sent back to Germany for burial. In the
1950 Edwin Ardner worked with Bakweri, and when he commented on european
stereotypes of africans as cannibals he was told "But you Europeans are
even worse since you cut out (obviously to eat) the hearts of your fallen

David Zeitlyn
Wolfson College, Oxford
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------24----
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 89 03:55:00 EDT
From: N.J.Morgan@vme.glasgow.ac.uk
Subject: Re: 3.434 displaced hearts, cont. (39)

I have just remembered that Tony Bennett left his heart
in San Francisco.

Does this count ?

Nicholas Morgan
Department of Scottish History
University of Glasgow