3.711 Oline Notes, Oct. 1989 (147)

Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Tue, 7 Nov 89 19:52:11 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 711. Tuesday, 7 Nov 1989.

Date: Tuesday, 7 November 1989 1424-EST




We are pleased to report that the NEH has awarded
$50,000 outright and up to $75,000 in one on one
matching funds over a two year period for the
completion of the original goals of the Computer
Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies (CATSS) Project,
co-directed by Robert Kraft (University of Pennsylvania)
and Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University). The primary
unfinished task is completion of the textual variant
files for the Greek Jewish Scriptures. Attention to
more complete verification and integration of the
existing parallel Hebrew-Greek files and the
Greek morphological analysis is also needed, along with
software development to facilitate effective access
to this wealth of variegated data. An expanded and
updated CD-ROM of biblical materials is planned for
completion in summer of 1991, with appropriate software.
The task of raising $75,000 in matching funds is daunting;
interested friends of the CATSS project should contact
KRAFT@PENNDRLS for details about how they can contribute.



Cher collegue,

Le laboratoire CATAB vient de sortir un ouvrage qui interesse tous les
biblistes. Il s'agit de 'Qere-Ketib et listes massoretiques dans le
manuscrit B 19a'. L'auteur est Philippe CASSUTO, responsable de l'edition
informatique des manuscrits de la Bible hebraique au sein du CATAB. Il est
disponible a la maison d'edition Peter Lang dans la collection Judentum
und Umwelt.

En voici l'abstract:

Les Qere-Ketib, ces notes marginales qui imposent au lecteur de lire un
mot du texte biblique autrement qu'il est ecrit, ont toujours ete au
centre de nombreuses problematiques, en particulier en exegese. Toutefois,
par des besoins comprehensibles de normalisation, on ne trouve jamais ces
notes dans aucune edition telles qu'elles se presentent dans le ou les
manuscrits. Nous nous proposons donc ici de presenter au lecteur ces notes
telles qu'on les trouve dans le manuscrit B 19a qui se trouve a la
Bibliotheque Publique de Leningrad et qui a servi de base a deux grandes
editions au XX siecle: la Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (heritiere de la
Bible editee par Kittel) et l'edition d'Aron Dotan. Ces deux editions ont
par ailleurs servi a construire le texte massoretique presente sous ses
differentes formes informatiques. Outre les notes de petite Massora, on
trouvera egalement dans cet ouvrage les listes de grande Massora, ainsi
qu'un lexique des termes massoretiques presents dans l'ouvrage. Un index
purement alphabetique et un index lemmatise permettront de s'y reperer
facilement. A la fin du volume on trouvera la liste des 1265 occurrences
de Qere-Ketib dans ce manuscrit si important.
Si vous, ou votre institution publie d'importants travaux, ne manquez pas
de le faire savoir par electronic mail;


Philippe CASSUTO
Laboratoire CATAB,
43, boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
Telephone: 33-
Electronic Mail: CATAB at FRSUN12
Acknowledge-To: <CATAB@FRSUN12>



Work has begun in earnest here to "port" our IBM software to
the Macintosh so that we can support both computer platforms
for instruction and research. This software translation
project includes programs both for textual research and
language instruction. Most of the research programs will be
written in Turbo Pascal and used in courses on computer-aided
research taught each semester. The language programs will be
transferred to HyperCard. Any readers interested in keeping
up with this work and receiving pre-release copies of the
material should contact Jack Abercrombie (JACKA @ PENNDRLS).



We have just obtained a reliable program for checking for some
35 viruses on the IBM PC. Though there has been a dramatic
decrease in the number of viral reports on DOS-based machines,
it is still a good practice to remain vigilant. Anyone wishing
a copy of this program, may duplicate it on the PS/2's in the
Williams 105 lab. The program is located in the virus library.

For Macintosh users, NVIR continues to pose a problem. The
Disinfectant program works well in detecting this virus. We
remain unsure whether using DISINFECTANT to remove the virus
does not result in damaging the host program. We suggest that
you throw out the infected program and reinstall a back-up copy.


TIDBITS, Network notes for tyro to novice computer users
taken from the network news in Williams 105 computer

IBM QUESTION: I formatted a blank diskette in one of the
IBM PS/2's in this lab. However, when I took it home and
tried it on my machine there, the computer couldn't read the
diskette. What happened.

AN ANSWER: The IBM computers in the lab will format a 720K
diskette as if it were 1.44 meg. diskette. However, when you
home computer tried to read the diskette, it saw that there
was no notch on the right side, and tried to read it at 720K.
Your diskette will still work in the machines in the lab.
To make it work on your home computer, format another disk
to 720K and transfer your information to it; or format a 720K
disk at home and transfer the information to it here in the

MAC QUESTION: My diskette is stuck in the drive and I can't
get it out!

AN ANSWER: Well, you could build a MacTool from a paperclip
and insert it into the hole to the right of the drive. This
will manually eject the diskette. A second alternative is
to hold down the mouse button and turn on the machine. This
also will eject the diskette.