4.1221 NL Software Registry (1/146)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 10 Apr 91 23:48:40 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1221. Wednesday, 10 Apr 1991.

Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 15:15:42 -0500
From: Computational Linguists <registry@tira.uchicago.edu>
Subject: Announcement of the NL Software Registry


The Natural Language Software Registry is a catalogue of software
implementing core natural language processing techniques, whether
available on a commercial or noncommercial basis. The current
version includes

+ speech signal processors, such as the Computerized Speech Lab
(Kay Electronics)
+ morphological analyzers, such as PC-KIMMO
(Summer Institute for Linguistics)
+ parsers, such as Alveytools (University of Edinburgh)
+ knowledge representation systems, such as Rhet
(University of Rochester)
+ multicomponent systems, such as ELU (ISSCO), PENMAN (ISI),
Pundit (UNISYS), SNePS (SUNY Buffalo),
+ applications programs (misc.)

This document is available on-line via anonymous ftp to tira.uchicago.edu
(IP, by email to registry@tira.uchicago.edu, and by
physical mail to the address below. If you have developed a piece of
software for natural language processing that other researchers might
find useful, you can include it by returning the description form,
available from the same sources.

Elizabeth Hinkelman, Director (registry@tira.uchicago.edu)

NL Software Registry
Center for Information and Language Studies
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637, USA


Person to contact for software (if different):
Phone (with country & area codes):
Email network & address:

Name of system:

Type of system: research system / commercial product / other (specify)

Primary task of system: linguistic analysis / test of linguistic theory
(specify) / text generation / machine translation / text proofing /
database interface / other (specify)

phonological analyzer/generator
morphological analyzer/generator
semantic interpreter
knowledge representation
discourse structure
pragmatic features
other (specify)

Components available as independent modules:
(subsequent questions may need a separate answer for each)

Components can be extended by: the developer / computational linguist /
linguist / programmer / experienced user / new user

Data components are: firmly embedded in program / independent of program

Data provided: (give size, features and language as in the examples)
120,000 entry wordlist for French
5,000 word LFG lexicon of basic Swahili w/ affixes, English gloss
15 rule transformational grammar for Dutch cross-serial dependencies
200 node knowledge base for AIDS case histories w/ 10 30-node cases.

Data components can be extended by: the developer / computational linguist /
linguist / programmer / experienced user / new user

Character set used for language data:
programmable (describe)
fixed, 16-bit -- Unicode
fixed, 8-bit -- ISO (specify, eg ASCII+Latin II) / proprietary ASCII
fixed, 7-bit -- ISO (specify, eg US ASCII) / extended ASCII (specify)
other (specify)

Range of applicable natural languages: (give theoretical or technical limits)

Approximate number of examples processed successfully, as a power of 10:
Specify example type: words / sentences / paragraphs / other
Its coverage level is now: demonstration / small research / large research /
production quality / high volume

Size of system: lines of source code, kilobytes of executable

Programming language:

Operating system or hardware:

Is there a stable version of the system?
Is there continuing development?

Summarize the main goals and ideas. Indicate what makes the project
a useful and interesting tool for research applications.

List documents in which the software is described:

User documentation:

System documentation:

Available support: upgrades / source code / consulting / other

Format for software distribution:


Restrictions on use:

If you are willing to have the software reviewed, please send us
a version along with this information. We are also interested in
reports and documentation, even for software not reviewed.

NL Software Registry
Center for Information and Language Studies
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637, USA