4.1242 Qs: Promptuarium; Concord. & Bib. SW; Rings; NB; (5/88)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 15 Apr 91 22:51:12 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1242. Monday, 15 Apr 1991.

(1) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 08:38+0000 (12 lines)
From: Heberlein <Heberlein@URZ.KU-EICHSTAETT.DBP.DE>
Subject: promptuarium

(2) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 22:00 EDT (23 lines)
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: Thanks again - concordance packages.

(3) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 08:00:43 EDT (11 lines)
From: "L. Dale Patterson" <LDPATT01@ULKYVM>
Subject: [Biblio SW]

(4) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 08:09:00 EST (12 lines)
From: Charles Ingrao <HABSBURG@PURCCVM>
Subject: Maximilian of Austria

(5) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1991 15:48:27 GMT+0400 (30 lines)
From: LBJUDY@VMSA.technion.ac.il
Subject: Nota Bene address

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 08:38+0000
From: Heberlein <Heberlein@URZ.KU-EICHSTAETT.DBP.DE>
Subject: promptuarium

Is there anyone who came ever across the word
"promptuarium". It seems to designate a sort of
17th century - computer or so...
I wirte this on behalf of a colleague of Chemnitz
(ex-Karl-Marx-Stadt, ex-DDR) who has not yet access to email
and who would welcome any info.
Fritz Heberlein

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------30----
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 22:00 EDT
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: Thanks again - concordance packages.

Thanks again to those who helped with the STONED virus, more precisely
also to John Unsworth and Bloomquist.


Could HUMANSIT members send me a brief message with the name
of the concordance package they are using and the specification
of the operating system it runs on (DOS - UNIX, etc) and the type
of computer (mainframe, mini, micro) they work with.

Michel Lenoble
Litterature Comparee
Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. "A"
Canada - H3C 3J7
E-MAIL: lenoblem@cc.umontreal.ca
Tel.: (514) 288-3916

(3) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 08:00:43 EDT
From: "L. Dale Patterson" <LDPATT01@ULKYVM>
Subject: 4.1237 Qs: PC biblio SW; Mac concordances; CD-I; ...

I hope that T.T.L. Davidson will share with the rest of us anything
his/her committee learns about bibliographic software. It is something
which we have just begun here.

-- Dale Patterson
University of Louisville
BITNET: ldpatt01 @ ulkyvm

(4) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 08:09:00 EST
From: Charles Ingrao <HABSBURG@PURCCVM>
Subject: Maximilian of Austria

It is my understanding that Maximilian of Austria started the custom of
exchanging rings when he gave Mary of Burgundy one on the occasion of
their betrothal in 1477. It's a great story but I need to know if it
was an ENGAGEMENT ring or WEDDING ring (and, of course, if the story is

I hope to include the story in an article I am writing. hence my concern
for accuracy. Many thanx to whomever can help me find the answer!

(5) --------------------------------------------------------------34----
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1991 15:48:27 GMT+0400
From: LBJUDY@VMSA.technion.ac.il
Subject: Nota Bene address

Sorry to bother you all with an old question, but I've lost the
little bit of paper the answer was on (!!):

I need URGENTLY an EMAIL address for Dragonfly Software, the
makers Nota Bene [NOT a phone number; a Fax is an inferior
alternative to an e-mail address but better than nothing]. I'd
also like the name of the Israeli Nota Bene list, and the e-mail
address of its moderator.

And to all those out there with Nota Bene experience: do you know
of any reason why the Israeli and U.S. versions should be so
incompatible that the Israeli company warns me I may have trouble
operating the U.S. version? As far as I can see the difference is
only a question of whether you have a Hebrew eprom chip; I have
an EGA with the Hebrew as a soft font only (Hebrew.com or hebega.com);
and anyhow I understand version 4.0 of Nota Bene will incorporate
the Israeli Hebrew standard in the U.S. version, right? What do
I get if I buy the Israeli version that I don't if I buy the
American? (Especially as the Israeli company says it'll be
lagging significantly behind the U.S. in release of all the
juicy new features that sound so good on paper: N.B. Lingua,
N.B. version 4.0, etc.; and the cost is significantly more.)

FAST help would be very, very much appreciated.

Thank you -- Judy Koren.