6.0446 ARTFL Update (1/45)

Thu, 21 Jan 1993 15:59:51 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0446. Thursday, 21 Jan 1993.

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 10:53:24 CST
From: Mark Olsen <mark@TIRA.UCHICAGO.EDU>
Subject: ARTFL PhiloLogic New Release


American and French Research on the
Treasury of the French Language
University of Chicago
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
1050 East 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois
(312) 702-8488

ARTFL is planning to release a new version of PhiloLogic used
to access the Treasury of the French Language database. Before
making it generally available to our users, I am inviting current
ARTFL users and other interested individuals to assist us in testing
the new system and expanded data set.

The new system has a number of important features, which include:

* phrase searching
* full regular expression pattern matching
* indexing on proper names and accented characters
* statistical generation
* inflected verb searching, and
* more flexible KWIC display.

The 130 new texts incorporated into this version of the database include
the works of Moliere, Racine, Corneille, Rabelais and other 16th and
17th century texts.

Please feel free to contact me with questions about the new system or
if you would like to take part in the testing process. Documentation
and bibliographies for the new release are available only in electronic
form at this time.

Thank you very much for your interest.

Mark Olsen
Assistant Director
(312) 702-8687