6.0466 CFP: Humanities Grad Students; MLA/ACH (2/55)

Mon, 1 Feb 1993 12:47:52 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0466. Monday, 1 Feb 1993.

(1) Date: Mon, 01 Feb 93 01:38 CST (41 lines)
From: Scott Kelley <AA0345@UOKMVSA.BITNET>
Subject: Grad Student Conference

(2) Date: Sat, 30 Jan 93 17:40:56 -0500 (14 lines)
From: jdg@oz.plymouth.edu (Dr. Joel Goldfield)
Subject: MLA-ACH call for papers

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 93 01:38 CST
From: Scott Kelley <AA0345@UOKMVSA.BITNET>
Subject: Grad Student Conference

Dear Editors:

I'd like to pass along a call for papers to all interested
graduate students in the humanities for our Second Annual
Graduate Student Conference at the University of Oklahoma.
The text of the announcement is as follows:


The Student Association of Graduates in English Studies
(S.A.G.E.S.) invites you to its Second Annual Conference,
Saturday, April 10, 1993, at the University of Oklahoma,
Norman, Oklahoma.

The topic for this year's conference is "The Rhetoric of the
Text." We would like to explore how meaning is constructed,
influenced, de-constructed, warped, translated, or transcended
in a text by the form(s) through which it is presented. Sub-
topics for sessions could include but should not be restricted
to Film, Live Performance, Poetry, Short Story, Novel,
Rhetoric, Mass Media, Popular Culture, The Plastic Arts,
and The Oral Tradition. Presentations should be 15-20
minutes in length.

Please submit 100 word abstracts by Friday, March 5, 1993 to:

Susan Biles E-Mail to:
Department of English SKELLEY@UOKMVSA.BITNET
760 Van Vleet Oval
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019

Last year's conference featured Susan Gubar as keynote
speaker. This year's speaker has yet to be confirmed, but
we have several candidates expressing an interest.
Registration fees are also undetermined but should be
less than $20, which will include dinner with participants.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------29----
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 93 17:40:56 -0500
From: jdg@oz.plymouth.edu (Dr. Joel Goldfield)
Subject: MLA-ACH call for papers


The ACH will be organizing two sessions at the 1993 Modern
Language Association Convention, Toronto, December 27-30, 1993.
Proposals are invited for the following topic: "Software for
the Study of Literature: What is available, how it is used,
perspectives for the future." Please send papers or abstracts
by February 28, 1993 to FORTIER@UOFMCC.BITNET. Please note that
participants in the MLA Convention must be members of the
Modern Language Association no later than April 1, 1993.