7.0347 Half Gray Series in Historical Computing (1/234)

Thu, 16 Dec 1993 17:59:50 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0347. Thursday, 16 Dec 1993.

Date: Thu, 16 Dec 93 16:51:56 GMT
From: Donald A Spaeth <GKHA13@CMS.GLASGOW.AC.UK>
Subject: Half Gray Series in Historical Computing

From: P.R.Denley@uk.ac.qmw

The Historical Workstation Project

Halbgraue Reihe zur historischen Fachinformatik

The "Half-Grey" Series aims to provide a rapid and economical
method of publication for up-to-date literature on aspects of
historical computing.

Series A, "Issues and Methods", includes volumes dedicated to
problems and trends in historical computing generally, ranging
from detailed exposition of problems with particular source
types (hitherto mainly in German) to overviews of themes
addressed by the workshops of the Association for History and
Computing (in English and other languages).

Series B, "Techniques", includes manuals for software developed
under the auspices of The Historical Workstation Project.

Series C, "Databases as Editions", consists of machine-readable
texts and/or databases published together with an introductory

The Historical Workstation Project is a collaborative venture
directed from the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Geschichte, Postfach
37018, Goettingen, Germany.

Publications and software are distributed in the United
Kingdom and beyond by The Humanities Computing Centre,
Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London, Mile
End Road, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom: fax. +44 81 980
8400: email kleio@qmw.ac.uk.

Series A: Issues and Methods

A1: Peter Becker & Thomas Werner, KLEIO. Ein Tutorial. 353
pp., ISBN 3-922661-60-2. 10.00.

A2: Thomas Werner & Thomas Grotum, Saemtlich Hab und Gut
... Die Analyse von Besitzstandslisten. 110 pp., ISBN
3-922661-61-0. 7.50.

A3: Juergen Nemitz, Die historische Analyse staedtischer Wohn-
und Gewerbelagen: die Auswertung sozialtopographischer Quellen.
114 pp., ISBN 3-922661-62-9. (Out of print.)

A4: Barbara Schuh, "Von vilen und mancherlay seltzamen
Wunderzaichen": die Analyse von Mirakelbuechern und
Wallfahrtsquellen. 86 pp., ISBN 3-922661-63-7. 7.50.

A5: Peter Becker, Leben, Lieben, Sterben: die Analyse von
Kirchenbuechern. 123 pp., ISBN 3-922661-64-5. (Out of print.)

A6: Martin Gierl, Thomas Grotum & Thomas Werner, Der
Schritt von der Quelle zur historischen Datenbank. StanFEP: Ein
Arbeitsbuch. 435 pp., ISBN 3-928134-38-8. 10.00.

A7: Josef Smets, Cr er une base de donn es historiques avec
KLEIO. (Avec un contribution de Nathalie Gardiol.). iii + 163
pp., ISBN 3-928134-40-X. 7.50.

A8: Thomas Engelke, Juergen Nemitz & Carolin Trenkler
(eds.), Historische Forschung mit KLEIO. Ergebnisse des ersten
Treffens der KLEIO-User-Group im Stadtarchiv Regensburg
vom 18. bis 21. Maerz 1990. 123 pp., ISBN 3-928134-41-8. 7.50.

A9: Steffen Wernicke, Martin Hoernes, "Umb die unzucht die
ich handelt han...": Quellen zum Urfehdewesen. iii + 136 pp.,
ISBN 3-928134-42-6. 7.50.

A10: Gerhard Jaritz: Bildanalysen. c. 110 pp. with 8 colour
plates. (Forthcoming: English version has appeared as A22).
ISBN 3-928134-43-4. 7.50.

A11: Daniel Greenstein (ed.), Modelling Historical Data.
Towards a Standard for Encoding and Exchanging Machine-
Readable Texts. xi + 223 pp., ISBN 3-928134-45-0. (Out of print)

A12: Donald Spaeth, Peter Denley, Virginia Davis & Richard
Trainor (eds.), Towards an International Curriculum for History
and Computing. A Workshop of the International Association
for History and Computing, University of Glasgow, 15D17
May 1992. iii + 109 pp., ISBN 3-928134-54-X. 7.50.

A13: Jan Oldervoll (ed.), Eden or Babylon? On Future Software
for Highly Structured Historical Sources. 124 pp., ISBN
3-928134-55-8. 7.50.

A14: Manfred Thaller (ed.), Images and Manuscripts in
Historical Computing. ii + 158 pp., ISBN 3-928134-53-1. 7.50.

A15: Leonid I. Borodkin & Wolfgang Levermann (eds.),
Istorija i komp'juter: Novye informacionnye technologii v
istoricheskich issledovanijach i obrazovanii. iv + 278 pp., ISBN
3-928134-74-4. 7.50.

A16: Jurij Fikfak & Gerhard Jaritz (eds.), Image Processing in
History: Towards Open Systems. 80 pp., ISBN 3-928134-99-X.

A17: Virginia Davis, Peter Denley, Donald Spaeth & Richard
Trainor (eds.), The Teaching of Historical Computing: An
International Framework. A Workshop of the International
Association for History and Computing, University of
London, 26D28 February 1993. iv + 137 pp., ISBN
3-928134-98-1. 7.50.

A18: Optical Character Recognition in the Historical Discipline.
Proceedings of an International Workgroup organized by:
Netherlands Historical Data Archive, Nijmegen Institute for
Cognition and Information. iv + 165 pp., ISBN 3-928134-97-3.

A19: Kevin Schuerer & Herman Diederiks (eds.), The Use of
Occupations in Historical Analysis. v + 162 pp., ISBN
3-928134-96-5. 7.50.

A20: Seamus Ross & Edward Higgs (eds.), Electronic
Information Resources and Historians: European Perspectives.
ISBN 3-928134-95-7. 7.50.

A21: Leonid I. Borodkin & Wolfgang Levermann (eds.),
History and Computing in Eastern Europe. 150 pp., ISBN
3-928134-94-9. 7.50.

A22: Gerhard Jaritz, Images. A Primer of Computer-Supported
Analysis with KLEIO IAS. 187 pp., ISBN 3-928134-93-0. 10.00

A23: Matthew Woollard & Peter Denley, Source-Oriented Data
Processsing for Historians: a Tutorial for KLEIO. xxi + 412 pp.,
ISBN 3-928134-92-2. 10.00

Series B: Techniques

B1: Manfred Thaller, KLEIO 4. Ein Datenbanksystem. vi + 296
pp., ISBN 3-928134-91-4. 10.00.

B2: Manfred Thaller: Query Net I/O. iv + 88 pp., ISBN
3-922661-66-1. (Out of print.)

B3: Extended Character Library. c. 60 pp., ISBN 3-922661-67-X.
7.50. (Forthcoming).

B4: Wolfgang Levermann, CMATCH: Mustererkennung in
Zeichenketten. ii + 92 pp., ISBN 3-922661-68-8. (Out of print.)

B5: Ingo H. Kropac und Ursula Leiter-Koehrer, KLEIO. Der
Datenbankeditor. (New edition in preparation). vi + 86 pp.,
ISBN 3-922661-69-6.

B6: Kathrin Homann, StanFEP. Ein Programm zur freien
Konvertierung von Daten. ii + 103 pp., ISBN 3-928134-39-6.

B7: Dagmar Koebsell-Hofmann, Weighted-Net: Aufbau und
Verwaltung terminologischer Thesauren in Form von gewichteten
semantischen Netzen. (Forthcoming). c. 60 pp., ISBN
3-928134-44-2. 7.50.

B8: Wolfgang Levermann, Kontextsensitive Datenverwaltung. iv
+ 128 pp., ISBN 3-928134-46-9. 7.50.

B9: Jan Oldervoll, CensSys. Eine Softwareumwelt fuer die Analyse
historischer Daten.
iv + 134 pp., ISBN 3-928134-48-5. 7.50.

B10: Gabriele Gross, KLEIO. Eine Einfuehrung in die
Menuesteuerung. vi + 219 pp., ISBN 3-928134-52-3. 7.50.

B11: Manfred Thaller, KLEIO. A Database System. iv + 349 pp.,
ISBN 3-928134-91-4. 10.00.

Series C: Databases as Editions

This series currently includes machine-readable editions of
medieval German literary texts. Other sources, including image
data banks, will shortly be published. For a full catalogue,
contact the distributors.


Halbgraue Reihe: Order Form

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Payment must be by cheque, made out to "Queen Mary &
Westfield College", and must reach the suppliers in sterling, free
of bank or international exchange charges.

Invoices and receipts can be supplied on request.

Orders should be sent to:

Humanities Computing Centre, Queen Mary &
Westfield College, University of London, Mile End
Road, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom: fax. +44 81
980 8400: email kleio@qmw.ac.uk