7.0414 Int'l Society for Greek & Roman Music (1/58)

Fri, 14 Jan 1994 18:06:49 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0414. Friday, 14 Jan 1994.

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 1994 15:16:05 -0500
From: bowen@epas.utoronto.ca (William Bowen)
Subject: ISSGRM Announcement (fwd)

Members of HUMANIST might be interested in the following announcement:

> ************************************************************************
> ************************************************************************
> The purpose of this new organization is to encourage research and
> teaching concerned with the music of the Greek and Roman civilizations,
> and to foster contacts between scholars working in this field. The
> Society's conception of its subject is open-ended, extending beyond the
> minutiae of musical practice and theory themselves to the study, for
> instance, of relations between music and other aspects of life and the
> arts in antiquity, of the roles of ideas derived from music in
> philosophy and science, and of the relations between the music of Greece
> and Rome and that of other cultures, including those of medieval and
> renaissance Europe.
> The Society's first task will be to collect information about current
> research projects, new publications and related activities. Details of
> these will be published in a regular Newsletter which will be circulated
> to members. We hope that in due course the Society will also be able to
> take an active role in publishing of a more orthodox sort, and in
> arranging conferences.
> Inquiries and applications for membership should be addressed to
> Dr Andrew Barker
> Department of Classics
> University of Otago
> PO Box 56
> Dunedin
> New Zealand
> Those wishing to become members of the Society are asked to supply the
> following details:
> 1. Name and Title
> 2. Institutional Address
> 3. Correspondence Address (if different from 2.)
> 4. Principal areas of interest, teaching, and research
> 5. Publications (within the last 5 years) related to Greek and Roman music
> 6. Forthcoming publications related to Greek and Roman music
> 7. Specific research projects, publications, and practical activities
> (e.g., performance) either current or planned
> ************************************************************************