7.0600 Computers and Writing Registration (1/23)

Mon, 4 Apr 1994 22:23:03 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0600. Monday, 4 Apr 1994.

Date: Sun, 03 Apr 94 21:52:37 CDT
From: Eric Crump <LCERIC@MIZZOU1>
Subject: Computers & Writing Registration

It's not too late (but it's *-----------------------------*
*getting* kind of late) to | Computers & Writing 1994 |
register for the tenth | May 20-23 |
Computers & Writing Conference. | CW94:Forum Online |
| April 29-June 12 |
If anyone who is interested in | Theme: |
joining us in Columbia or online | "The Global Web of Writing |
for some reason hasn't gotten in | Technologies" |
the way of a registration form yet, | Speakers: |
it is now available from | DALE SPENDER |
listserv@mizzou1.bitnet or | JOHN UNSWORTH |
listserv@mizzou1.missouri.edu. | AMY BRUCKMAN |
Send a note to that address, leave the
subject line blank, and in the first line of the note, put:

get cw94 register

Anyone who has trouble retrieving the file or who has questions
about the conference not answered therein can write to me at
LCERIC@mizzou1.bitnet or LCERIC@mizzou1.missouri.edu.

--Eric Crump