8.0148 Net Resources: Drama in Education; Bible-L (2/169)

Wed, 24 Aug 1994 17:59:18 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0148. Wednesday, 24 Aug 1994.

(1) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 12:14:02 (131 lines)
Subject: Info on Drama in Education Centre

(2) Date: 11 Aug 94 20:34 EST (38 lines)
Subject: NEW: Bible-l -- Discussion List on the Bible

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 12:14:02
Subject: Info on Drama in Education Centre

Aug 25, 1994

My name is David Davis and I am the Director of the International
Centre for Studies in Drama in Education, Faculty of Education,
University of Central England in Birmingham, Westbourne Road,
Birmingham, England B15 3TN. I am a key activist in the area of
Drama in Education, I would like to take this opportunity to inform Humanist
/ Internet readers about our International Centre of Studies in Drama
in Education. It is our hope that you will be able to assist us by displaying
two pieces of information for us on your HUMANIST Discussion List in
the hopes that interested parties may contact us: 1) Information about
our Drama in Education Centre for Studies 2) Information about our Drama in
Education Video Archive which I will send as a separate file for your
convenience. Any assistance you may give us will
be much appreciated. The Internet is a wonderful tool and we are hoping
to make use of it.

David Davis

The Centre has been founded to develop the uses of drama in the
service of children's education. It seeks to do this through a
combination of research, study and practice, particularly building on
and developing the innovatory work of Dorothy Heathcote and Gavin
Bolton. This orientation is chosen deliberately against a background
nationally and internationally of diminishing arts in education
provision, and is dedicated to preserving and developing the enormous
gains already made in the field of learning through drama. To this
end the centre has brought together a team of consultants to guide
the work of the Centre. There are opportunities for study at M.
Phil. and Ph. D. level and the Centre will be looking to appoint
research assistants and Visiting Fellows. The Centre will undertake
a wide range of research, curriculum development and publication
activities. A major research project into the nature of learning and
development in the arts is under way at present titled "Knowing in
the Arts" and has drama, dance, music and art and design groups
working nationally and in Ireland towards a 1995 publication and
national conference. A second project is linking local schools with
schools in ten other countries to share drama methods and life
experience, working towards an International Sharing Day in 1995.
There is an open invitation to anyone in any school, youth or
university groups to join this project. All will be more than
welcome. Contact me by mail or Ideanet.

For those interested we offer a modular MA in Drama in Education (1
year full-time; 2-3 year part-time) course of study at our
institution as well as a Certificate Course: Drama in Education (1
year part-time). Complete course details are available upon request.

The AIMS of our Centre are:

1) To provide a national and international centre for studies in
drama in education

2) To promote research and curriculum development in key areas of
drama in education

3) To publish outcomes of such investigations in a form most useful
to teachers, advisers/consultants and teacher-educators both
nationally and internationally

4) To provide an international journal and abstract service

5) To offer national and international short courses in drama in

David Davis - Director
International Centre for Studies in Drama in Education
Faculty of Education
University of Central England in Birmingham
Westbourne Road
Birmingham, England
B15 3TN
Internet: DEBA3603G@UCE.AC.UK
Janet: DEBA3603G@UK.AC.UCE

Centre Consultants: Prof. Gavin Bolton
Prof. Dorothy Heathcote
Prof. John Fines

Our International Centre for Drama in Education Studies currently
houses "The Dorothy Heathcote Video Archive at UCE".

The mini-archive at UCE is separate from the main archive at
Lancaster University but is intended to augment it. It contains
unedited videos of Prof. Dorothy Heathcote teaching MA, Certificate
and PGCE drama students over a period of four years. During this
time, she teaches infants, juniors, and secondary children and the
video shows the preparation, teaching and evaluation of each session
in schools. In the other videos, they show all her latest thinking in
teaching drama, including Mantle of the Expert, Rolling Role, Frame
Distancing, and the Development of the Self Spectator. The archive is
supplemented by copies of all the tapes of her teaching held
personally by Dorothy Heathcote and copies of all the tapes she has
made with Newcastle University. It is available for use at the
University of Central England Upper Library, Westbourne Road.
Persons interested in seeking further information about the Video
Archive are welcome to contact me directly. As well, the Heathcote
Video Archive tapes are currently being catalogued on our UCE On-line
Library Catalogue to make their accessibility more convenient. For
those interested, I will be posting a complete title listing of the
Archive contents directly to follow this message.

It is my hope that by spreading word of our centre and our Heathcote
Video Archive, people may be made aware of
the current practices on-going in the field of Drama in Education and
may support the continuing development of DIE locally, nationally and

If you or anyone you know would like any further information please
feel free to contact me, David Davis at above address or through e-
mail at DEBA3603G@UCE.AC.UK

D. Davis

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------53----
Date: 11 Aug 94 20:34 EST
Subject: NEW: Bible-l -- Discussion List on the Bible

Owner of list BIBLE-L@GITVM1 -- Discussion list on the Bible
Owner of list AP-L@GITVM1 -- Advanced Placement Teachers List
Co/Own of list CHEMCOM@UBVM -- Chemcom Discussion List
Co/Own of list GLBL-HS@ONONDAGA -- Global History Disc. List
----------------------------Original message----------------------------

Jason Slack
Cortland, New York USA
Subject: NEW: Bible-l -- Discussion List on the Bible


Bible is an open, un-moderated discussion list on the Bible. Any questions or
comments are welcome.

There will be no Archivesfor Bible-l

To subscribe send the following command in the body of E-Mail to

Sub Bible-l yourfirstname yourlastname


Sub Bible-l Jason Slack

Owner: Jason Slack -- jslack2@onondaga.bitnet
or jslack2@ocmvm.onondaga.boces.k12.ny.us

Owner of list AP-L@GITVM1 -- Advanced Placement Teachers List
Co/Own of list CHEMCOM@UBVM -- Chemcom Discussion List
Co/Own of list GLBL-HS@ONONDAGA -- Global History Disc. List