9.123 Ship of Fools? Ethics of computing?

Humanist (mccarty@phoenix.Princeton.EDU)
Fri, 25 Aug 1995 22:57:29 -0400 (EDT)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 9, No. 123.
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (Princeton/Rutgers)

[1] Subject: Re: "Ship of Fools" (13)
From: BoBeVaNs <bobevans@strudel.aum.edu>
[2] From: Michael Guest <kfguest@la.shizuoka.ac.jp> (17)
Subject: Re: Ethics?

Dear Colleagues,

I am finishing an article in which I try to assess the impact of
Alexander Barclay's version of the _Ship of Fools_ on subsequent English
culture, particularly for the period 1500-1700. I have been able to
trace a number of uses of the phrase "ship of fools" in standard literary
sources, but I wonder if anyone out there may have come across the phrase
in his/her own work, particularly in any non-literary sources (e.g.
sermons, pamphlets, etc). If you can point me in the direction of any
such usages, I'd be very grateful and will, of course, acknowledge your
help in the printed version of the article. Many thanks in advance for
any assistance.

Best wishes,

Robert C. Evans (Bob)

From: Michael Guest <kfguest@la.shizuoka.ac.jp>
To: mccarty@phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 1995 10:06:21 -0100
Subject: Re: Ethics?

At 8:52 PM 95.8.18 -0400, Willard McCarty wrote:

>I am presently doing the groundwork for a substantial project on
>the ethical implications of information technology in general,
>and the Information Highway in particular. I am doing the work on
>behalf of the Centre for Techno-Ethics at Saint Paul University
>in Ottawa and would be very interested to contact other
>individuals or organisations that are dealing with similar

I would be interested to know more. I am researching information
technology, with an emphasis on cross cultural communications and Japan and
postmodernism. Ethics feature.

Dr Michael Guest
Associate Professor
Faculty of Information
Shizuoka University