10.0835 Fulbright fellowships; job

WILLARD MCCARTY (willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 22:05:14 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 10, No. 835.
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (Princeton/Rutgers)
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Information at http://www.princeton.edu/~mccarty/humanist/

[1] From: "H-clc (Barbara Diederichs)" <bdiederi@ucsd.edu> ( )
Subject: GRANTS: CIES Fulbright Senior Scholar Program

[2] From: alan harris <vcspc005@email.csun.edu> (105)
Subject: Re: JOP OPP.- Ctr for Russia, E.Europe & Central Asia,

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 15:11:42 -0500
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 20:56:32 -0800
From: "H-clc (Barbara Diederichs)" <bdiederi@ucsd.edu>
Subject: GRANTS: CIES Fulbright Senior Scholar Program

From: cies1@ciesnet.cies.org


Reminder: August 1 Deadline Approaching for the 1998-99

Visit the Web Site:

Program information and the listing of 1998-99 opportunities
can be accessed via the Fulbright Scholar Program Web site at


Below is a brief description of Fulbright grants for U.S.
citizens to engage in lecturing and advanced research
worldwide. These grants are excellent professional
development opportunities and provide funding to pursue
professional interests abroad.



Over 700 awards for college and university faculty and
nonacademic professionals to lecture or pursue advanced
research and/or related professional activity abroad. For
U.S. candidates, grants are available in over 120 countries.

Application Deadline:

U.S. candidates have an August 1 deadline for lecturing or
research awards. Non-U.S. candidates apply in their home
country for awards to come to the United States.

Areas of Interest:

Opportunities exist in every area of the social sciences, arts
and humanities, sciences, and many professional fields.
Fulbright-supported activities include undergraduate and
graduate teaching, individual advanced research, joint
research collaboration, and more.

Basic Eligibility Requirements:

Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree at the time
of application and U.S. citizenship (permanent residency is
not sufficient).

For professionals and artists outside academe, recognized
professional standing comparable to that associated with the
doctorate in higher education is required, unless otherwise
noted in the individual award description.
College or university teaching experience is expected at the
level and in the field of the advertised assignment or
proposed lecturing activity for lecturing and combined
lecturing/research awards.

Grant Duration:

Awards range in duration from two months to twelve months.
Most lecturing assignments are for an academic term/semester
or a full academic year.


Foreign language proficiency may be expected as specified in
the award description or as required for the completion of the
proposed lecturing or research project.

The majority of teaching assignments are in English. The major
exceptions are Central and South America, where Spanish is
usually required, and francophone Africa, where one is
expected to be fluent in French.


U.S. candidates may view detailed descriptions of award
opportunities and request application materials via the
Fulbright Scholar Program Web site: http://www.cies.org

Requests for hard copy of the awards booklet and application
forms can be made by

E-mail: cies1@ciesnet.cies.org
(Requests for mailing of materials only!)

Telephone: 202/686-7877

U.S. mail: USIA Fulbright Senior Scholar Program
Council for International Exchange of Scholars
3007 Tilden St., NW, Suite 5M
Washington, DC 20008-3009

Non-U.S. candidates must contact the Fulbright commission or
U.S. embassy in their home country to apply for grants in the

Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 11:27:01 -0500 (EST)
From: alan harris <vcspc005@email.csun.edu>
Subject: Re: JOP OPP.- Ctr for Russia, E.Europe & Central Asia, UWisc

please post

Alan C. Harris, Ph. D. TELNOS: main off: 818-677-2853
Professor, Communication/Linguistics direct off: 818-677-2874
Speech Communication Department
California State University, Northridge home: 818-366-3165
SPCH CSUN FAX: 818-677-2663
Northridge, CA 91330-8257 INTERNET email: ALAN.HARRIS@CSUN.EDU
WWW homepage: http://www.csun.edu/~vcspc005

On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Anna Belyaeva wrote:

> A distribution of: CentralAsia-L - Announcement List for Central Asian Studies
> JOP OPPORTUNITY- Associate Director, Center for Russia, East Europe, and
> Central Asia, University of Wisconsin-Madison
> The Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA) invites
> applications for the position of Associate Director. Directed by Professor
> Mark Beissinger, CREECA is a longstanding interdisciplinary program designed
> to foster new knowledge and understanding of Russia, East Europe, and
> Central Asia. CREECA serves as a community resource through coordinated
> outreach activities, and trains scholars through a range of educational
> programs. CREECA advises students at the undergraduate and graduate level,
> sponsors conferences, lectures, seminars, and supports faculty research. It
> is one of eleven founding programs of the International Institute at the
> University of Wisconsin-Madison.
> The Associate Director for CREECA will be the lead academic staff
> professional employee of the program with broad management and supervisory
> responsibilities. The Associate Director will also teach at the university
> and be invited to conduct his or her own research in related fields. The
> primary duties are:
> 1. Work with the faculty Director to develop CREECA policy and strengthen
> the CREECA program's capacity to fulfill its core mission.
> 2. Manage CREECA DOE Title VI program activities including an annual budget
> currently in the range of $130,000 per year and annual FLAS fellowships
> worth approximately $120,000 per year. Supervise CREECA staff (secretarial,
> graduate project assistants and student help) for on-going program activities.
> 3. Develop and manage the CREECA weekly seminar series and write and edit
> the print publication of CREECA's bimonthly newsletter.
> 4. Advise undergraduate and graduate students interested in Russia, East
> Europe and Central Asian studies and supervise CREECA staff in the delivery
> of related student services.
> 5. Assist the Director with the development of CREECA fund raising strategy
> and write grant proposals for extramural funding to support CREECA
> programming and student fellowships.
> 6. Develop CREECA outreach programming plans and supervise outreach staff
> in the delivery of outreach services to local, regional, and state audiences.
> 7. Represent the Director and CREECA in meeting and committees on campus
> and at national/international venues as appropriate.
> 8. Teach two courses during the academic year related to the field,
> selected each year in conjunction with the director and appropriate campus
> departments.
> Qualifications:
> - Ability in budget and program management (experience preferred)
> - Ability in extramural grant preparation (experience preferred)
> - PhD. degree in a social science field with a specialization in
> Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian Studies (Eastern Europe
> specialization preferred)
> - Teaching experience preferred
> Position Information:
> The position will be a UW-Madison academic staff position carrying the
> employment title of Administrative Program Specialist and a working title of
> Associate Director. The annual 12-month salary for the position will range
> between $38,000 and $47,800 depending on qualifications. The position will
> be available August 15, 1997 and the initial appointment will cover the
> remainder of the 1997-98 fiscal year, through June 30, 1998. The
> appointment is renewable beyond that date for annual 12-month appointments,
> based on satisfactory performance. The position carries with it state
> employment benefits including health insurance and state retirement. The
> position is subject to the availability of federal funding effective August
> 15, 1997.
> How to Apply:
> Interested applicants should write a letter of interest indicating their
> qualifications and submit with it an up-to-date curriculum vitae, graduate
> transcript, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation.
> Applications may be submitted at any time and will be reviewed immediately
> upon receipt. The deadline for applications is April 30, 1997. Applications
> should be sent to: Professor Mark Beissinger, CREECA, 210 Ingraham Hall,
> 1155 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI. 53706. Questions about the position
> and the CREECA program may be directed to Professor Mark Beissinger at
> 608-263-6351.
> The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an equal opportunity employer.
> Applicants should be aware that, under the Wisconsin State Open Records law,
> unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding the
> applicants must be released upon request, and finalists cannot be guaranteed
> confidentiality.