11.0084 announcements diverse and interesting

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Tue, 3 Jun 1997 23:51:02 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 84.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[Apologies to one or more of those who submitted the following. I am
attempting to edit Humanist via a telnet link from Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The transatlantic link is SO SLOW and the
editing software SO PRIMITIVE that I have had to take drastic action, as a
result of which some of the notes are not as they were sent to me. The
information in them is correct, however. --WM]

[1] From: Beth Kanter <kanter@artswire.org> (95)
Subject: CA Governor's Conference on the Arts

[2] From: David Zeitlyn <D.Zeitlyn@ukc.ac.uk> (21)
Subject: RAI Anthropology Today - Contents and Calendar of

[3] From: David Green <david@cni.org> (9)

[4] From: tracihon <tracihon@scf.usc.edu> (51)
Subject: JCMC's newest issue is out!

Date: Mon, 02 Jun 1997 14:05:48 -0400
From: Beth Kanter <kanter@artswire.org>
Subject: CA Governor's Conference on the Arts

The California Arts Council's 1997 CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE ON
THE ARTS (http://www.govcon.org) is examining the increasingly important
issue of the globalization of the world economy, the telecommunications
revolution, and the importance of the marketplace of ideas as they affect
the arts. An online component, implemented by Arts Wire at
provides an opportunity for anyone interested to participate
Beth Kanter Arts Wire Network Coordinator kanter@artswire.org



Archives & Museum Informatics, Europe



in partnership with

le Musée du Louvre

The Fourth International Conference on Hypermedia and
Interactivity in Museums will be held

1-5 September 1997

at Le Musée du Louvre, Paris, France.

Two days of pre-conference workshops and events are followed by
three days of presentations by over 60 experts from around the
world. Theme days feature Multimedia Publications, Geographic
Information and the World Wide Web. Three days of rotating
exhibits include dozens of demonstrations by developers of museum
projects and commercial firms active in museum computing and
cultural publication. Numerous opportunities will be provided for
social interaction.

The Preliminary Program and Registration details for ICHIM 97 are
available at:






SEPTEMBER 11-12, 1997



"Saving 'Tenure Books' From
a Painful Demise"
Chronicle of Higher Education, 11/1/96

"Profit Squeeze for Publishers
Makes Tenure More Elusive"
New York Times, 11/18/96

Recent headlines in the New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher
Education warn of the dangers posed by the threat to the specialized
scholarly monograph. The primary market for specialized
monographs--research libraries--has been burdened over the past decade
with significant increases in the costs of science and technology
journals, resulting in dramatic decreases in monographic purchases.
Faced with this eroding market and declining subsidies from both
universities and funding agencies, university presses can no longer
afford to publish the specialized research which is central to their
mission. As a consequence, young faculty are not getting tenured or
promoted, undermining the future of education and scholarship in the
humanities and social sciences.

This conference on the specialized scholarly monograph brings together
faculty, administrators, publishers, and librarians to focus attention
on an issue central to the entire academic enterprise. It examines the
current state of scholarly communication and explores the potential of
new technologies to provide both new means of dissemination and new
formats for conducting research and communicating the results.

The conference examines:
* the issues involved in the creation and dissemination of scholarly
communication from the perspectives of a university administrator, scholar,
publisher, and librarian;
* the functions and costs involved in the scholarly communication process,
examining the factors which have contributed to the endangered status of the
* expectations for young faculty, and how and why they are changing;
* how the issues differ across fields and disciplines and how these variables
affect the decisions made by the presses;
* current experiments in monographic publishing; and
* new frameworks in scholarly communication and how these might provide
new models for creation and dissemination of research.

John D'Arms, ACLS
Scott Bennett, Yale University Library
Stanley Chodorow, University of Pennsylvania
Sandria Freitag, American Historical Association
Joanna Hitchcock, University of Texas Press
Peter Nathan, University of Iowa
Marlie Wasserman, Rutgers University Press

For more information or to register online, see


Mary Case, Director Office of Scholarly Communication Association of Research Libraries 21 Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 296-2296 X112 Fax: (202) 872-0884 Internet: marycase@cni.org

--[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 12:17:23 +0100 From: David Zeitlyn <D.Zeitlyn@ukc.ac.uk> Subject: RAI Anthropology Today - Contents and Calendar of Events

The RAI's publication Anthropology Today for June 1997 is now in press. The table of contents is already available on the RAI pages http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/rai/at.html

and the calendar of events 'AnthroCal' which is availble from http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/rai/AnthToday/AnthCal.html

We hope this is found to be useful (apologies for cross-posting) best wishes

david z

Dr David Zeitlyn, Lecturer in Social Anthropology, Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Eliot College, The University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NS UK. Tel. (44) 1227 764000 -Extn 3360 (or 823360 direct) Fax (44) 1227 827289 http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/dz/

--[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 09:28:54 -0400 From: David Green <david@cni.org> Subject: FCC CHAIR REED HUNDT TO STEP DOWN NINCH ANNOUNCE May 27, 1997 FCC CHAIR REED HUNDT TO STEP DOWN An important announcement, forwarded from the Benton Foundation, about Reed Hundt's announcement this afternoon of his intention to leave the FCC in the next few months. In many ways, Hundt has been an ally of the nonprofit community in the telecommunications arena. Note Andrew Blau's comments at the end of this Benton Announcement. David Green ====================

FCC Chairman Reed Hundt Announces Plan to Leave Commission

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Reed Hundt announced this afternoon that he will be stepping down from the Commission. Although Chairman Hundt's term does not expire until June 1998, his announcement today will set in motion a process that will probably end his tenure within the next few months.

At a press conference at the FCC, Mr. Hundt noted the Commission's work to "put the power of communications into the hands of every child" as his greatest accomplishment. Also noted as important accomplishments were the FCC's rules of children's television and efforts to win free airtime for political candidates.

Hundt pointed out that since the beginning of the Clinton Administration, 12 million new jobs have been created -- 8 million in the communications industry. Chairman Hundt said he felt lucky to have been asked to serve by President Clinton.

The Chairman said that he has no immediate plans other than writing. He has a title for a work of nonfiction -- So You Want A Revolution -- on bringing competition to the communications industry. Hundt also plans to publish a work of fiction.

Asked of his role at the Commission over the next few weeks, the Chairman said he would continue to be active and be a full voting member: "We're going to see if this duck can fly."

Speaking for the Benton Foundation after the press conference, Andrew Blau said:

"Whether the issue was connecting America's classrooms, paving the way for digital television, or ensuring that universal service would survive into the next century, Reed Hundt has been the best friend the public interest community has had in the Chairman's office for at least a generation - if not longer.

"The last four years have been one of the most extraordinary periods for communications since the creation of the FCC itself, yet Chairman Hundt has been a principled voice for fairness and the public interest throughout. His door was open to people and constituencies that hadn't been on the 8th floor before.

"He has been smart, took risks, and even dared to be unpopular -- a rare and risky thing in this political town. But his government service has been a true public service, and we will miss his leadership. We wish him the best of luck in whatever he does next."

================================== Communications Policy and Practice Benton Foundation 1634 Eye St, NW 12th Floor Washington, DC 20006 202.638.5770 202.638.5771 (fax) http://www.benton.org


David L. Green Executive Director NATIONAL INITIATIVE FOR A NETWORKED CULTURAL HERITAGE 21 Dupont Circle, NW Washington DC 20036 www-ninch.cni.org david@cni.org 202/296-5346 202/872-0886 fax

============================================================== See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at <http://www.cni.org/Hforums/ninch-announce/>. ==============================================================

--[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 10:27:55 -0400 (EDT) From: tracihon <tracihon@scf.usc.edu> Subject: JCMC's newest issue is out!

Table of Contents, Volume 3, No. 1: "Studying the Net" Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Read JCMC at any of these sites: http://www.usc.edu/dept/annenberg/vol3/issue1/ http://jcmc.huji.ac.il/vol3/issue1/

In this issue:

"Studying Online Social Networks"

Laura Garton Sociology Department and Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto

Caroline Haythornthwaite Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Barry Wellman Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto

"Assessing the Structure of Communication on the World Wide Web"

Michele Jackson Department of Communication, Florida State University

"Casting the Net: Surveying an Internet Population"

Christine Biship Smith Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California and Department of Systems Management, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey

"Getting the Seats of Your Pants Dirty: A Methodology for Ethnographic Research on Virtual Communities"

Luciano Paccagnella Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, Università di Torino and Dipartimento di Sociologia, Università di Milano

"Evaluating the World Wide Web: A Global Study of Commercial Sites"

James K. Ho Department of Information and Decision Sciences and Applied Research and Consulting Services College of Business Administration University of Illinois at Chicago

Brief Reports

"On-line Services in India: A Market Analysis"

Kaushik Banerjee Network Programs India

"Demographics and Behavior of the Chilean Internet Population"

Miguel Mendoza H. Jose A. Alvarez de Toledo Programa de Extensión en Computación e Informática Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas Universidad de Chile