12.0253 calls: KSR; Surfaces; TEI

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 06:16:17 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 12, No. 253.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: Kevin Ward <kevin.ward@GSFC.NASA.GOV> (29)
Subject: Student Authors -- 1st Call KSR!

[2] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (142)

[3] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (106)
Subject: TEI report, call for proposals

Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 14:15:00 +0100 (BST)
From: Kevin Ward <kevin.ward@GSFC.NASA.GOV>
Subject: Student Authors -- 1st Call KSR!

Call For Papers
Katharine Sharp Review
GSLIS, University of Illinois
ISSN 1083-5261

(This information can also be found at http://edfu.lis.uiuc.edu/review)

This is the first call for submissions to the Winter 1999 issue of the
Katharine Sharp Review, the peer-reviewed e-journal devoted to student
scholarship and research within library and information science. Articles
can be on any topic that is relevant to LIS--from children's literature
to electronic database manipulation to library marketing. Please take a
look at previous issues for a sample of what is possible--but do not let
that be your only guide! If you care passionately about some facet of
LIS or have produced a research paper of which you are proud, consider
submitting it to KSR.

All submissions should be received by Monday, December 14, 1998.

Although it is not required for submission, we would appreciate an
abstract (of 150-200 words) or indication of intention to submit.
Submitted articles must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200

For more information, including instructions for authors, please see the
KSR webpage at either http://edfu.lis.uiuc.edu/review/call.html or
http://mirrored.ukoln.ac.uk/lis-journals/review/review/ or you can email
us at review@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu

+ +
Kevin Ward
Katharine Sharp Review
+ +

Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:47:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>

From: Sebastien Jean <sebastij@ERE.UMontreal.CA>

Humanities and Computing: Who's Driving?

Articles must be submitted before December 1st 1998.
See the section Submission of texts in our
WWW page for submission guidelines.
Send submissions to: sebastij@ere.umontreal.ca

Computers are ever more present. They have an
impact on many aspects of our work in the humanities.
Can we follow Regis Debray in pointing out, that
the new media and, in the humanities, the growing
prominence of the 'electronic book' are making clear
the degree to which our disciplines are contingent
on what he calls the "media-sphere"?(Debray 1994)
The last time _Surfaces_ published a collection on
computing in the humanities, we focused our
attention on scholarly publishing. (see Volume IV, 1994)

Today, a larger question needs to be asked: are the
forms of knowledge associated with humanities
affected by computing? To some extent, through
the use of computers, boundaries between the
disciplines become porous; viewed as data, all the
source material of the arts and humanities become
increasingly similar objects of knowledge. The
rigidity of the machine demands the same
systematicity of all its users. Data and analytic
procedures, as Willard McCarty has pointed out,
rendered explicit for computing, become sharable
in ways not possible before. (McCarty 1998)
As William Winder puts it, we might possibly have
entered a different paradigm of research in the
humanities, which he calls the neo-Wissenschaft era,
in which accumulation of data, often under the guise
of reuse and retrieval, has become of paramount
importance. (Winder 1997)

These are largely questions of sociology and epistemology
of knowledge. But they carry many practical questions,
especially in a time when the survival of the humanities
appears to be at stake.

Training colleagues and students in Information Technology
(IT) springs to mind as a priority. However questions
need to be raised as how to both balance such training
with other curricular activities and how to link IT to
other preoccupations of scholars in the humanities.

To this day, much of the work in humanities computing
has been done by senior academics who can afford to
risk putting time on a long-term project. But many
a project has been that of a Don Quixote lacking
the basic institutional commitment.

Can humanities computing truly become an
interdisciplinary forum and foster exchange and
collaboration? Among the system-wide effects of
computing in the academy is, as Jaroslav Pelikan
has observed (Pelikan 1992), a weakening of the
boundary separating those who use information
from those who provide it. Can it produce this
reconfiguration of the academy?

Debray, Regis. 1994 _Manifestes medialogiques_ Paris: Gallimard.
McCarty, Willard. 1998. What Is Humanities Computing?
Toward a Definition of the Field. (Talk given in the Spring of 1998)
Pelikan, Jaroslav. 1992. _The Idea of a University:
a Re-examination_ New Haven: Yale University Press.
Winder, William. 1997. "Texpert Systems"
in _Computing in the Humanities Working Papers_

Surfaces' URL: http://www.pum.umontreal.ca/revues/surfaces


Humanites et informatique=CA: qui conduit=CA?

Les articles doivent etre soumis pour evaluation avant le 1er=20
decembre 1998.
En ce qui a trait aux normes de presentation, voir la section=20
Soumission d'article sur notre site W3.
Faire parvenir a: sebastij@ere.umontreal.ca

Les ordinateurs sont de plus en plus presents.
Ils ont un impact sur de nombreux aspects de notre
travail dans le champ des humanites. Faut-il avec
Regis Debray relever la contingence de nos disciplines,
que rendraient perceptible les nouveaux medias et en
particulier pour les humanites la presence grandissante
du "livre electronique", en regard de ce qu'il appelle
la "mediaspere"? (Debray 1994) La derniere fois que
_Surfaces_ a publie une collection traitant de la place
de l'informatique dans les humanites, nous avions mis
l'accent sur l'edition electronique (voir volume IV, 1994)

Aujourd'hui, il faut poser une question plus vaste:
les formes des savoirs propres aux humanites sont-ils
touches par le developpement informatique? Dans une
certaine mesure, les frontieres interdisciplinaires
s'assouplissent avec l'utilisation de l'ordinateur;
l'ensemble des objets de recherche et d'etudes dans les
champs des arts et des humanites se trouvent des
similarites lorsque considerees comme donnees. La
rigidite de la machine impose un meme esprit de
systeme a l'ensemble des usagers. Suivant en ceci
des intuitions de Willard McCarty, il est possible
que le fait d'avoir a rendre explicite les procedures
d'analyse et les modes de traitement des donnees
les rendent plus facilement partageables qu'elles ne
l'ont jamais ete. (McCarty 1998) Ou encore suivant
William Winder, on peut poser l'hypothese que nous
venons, dans le champ des humanites, de changer de
paradigme de recherche pour entrer dans ce qu'il appelle
l'ere du neo-Wissenschaft dans laquelle l'accumulation
des donnees, mettant tres souvent l'accent sur la
reutilisation et la recuperation, est de premiere
importance. (Winder 1997)

Il s'agit la de questions de sociologie et d'epistemologie
des connaissances. Mais elles ont de nombreuses
implications concretes, en particulier dans une epoque
ou la survie des humanites est en jeu.

Parmi ces implications, la formation des collegues
et des etudiants en technologie de l'information saute
a l'esprit. Mais avant de se lancer dans un effort de
formation, il est important de soupeser les questions
de l'equilibre d'une telle formation avec l'ensemble
des autres activites curriculaires et du lien entre
technologies de l'information et les autres preoccupations
des etudiants et chercheurs du champ des humanites.

A ce jour, une part importante du travail impliquant
l'informatique dans les humanites a ete realisee par
des professeurs seniors qui pouvaient prendre le risque
de se consacrer a un projet a long terme. Mais du fait
meme plusieurs de ces projets sont le travail d'un
Don Quichotte ayant peu ou pas d'appui institutionnel.

Est-il possible par l'implication de l'informatique dans
les humanites de creer un veritable forum interdisciplinaire
et de favoriser l'echange et la collaboration? Parmi les
effets systemiques de l'utilisation de l'informatique
en milieu universitaire, on peut noter avec Jaroslav Pelikan,
une evanescence des frontieres entre ceux qui fournissent
l'information et ceux qui l'utilisent. (Pelikan 1992)
Un tel effet peut-il produire une reconfiguration complete
de l'universite?

Debray, Regis. 1994 _Manifestes medialogiques_ Paris: Gallimard.
McCarty, Willard. 1998. What Is Humanities Computing?
Toward a Definition of the Field. (Talk given in the Spring of 1998)
Pelikan, Jaroslav. 1992. _The Idea of a University:
a Re-examination_ New Haven: Yale University Press.
Winder, William. 1997. "Texpert Systems"
in _Computing in the Humanities Working Papers_

L'URL de Surfaces : http://www.pum.umontreal.ca/revues/surfaces

Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:49:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: TEI report, call for proposals

>> From: C M Sperberg-McQueen <cmsmcq@uic.edu>

The Future of the TEI
Report and Final Invitation for Proposals

1 Background information

As reported on this list in early September, the Text Encoding
Initiative is considering options for its future organization and
funding, and is actively exploring the possibility of a consortium or
cooperative organization to support the maintenance and extension of
the TEI Guidelines. On 3-4 October, the TEI executive committee met
with representatives of the TEI's sponsoring organizations (ACH, ACL,
and ALLC) and of some prospective host institutions. The purpose of
this note is
- to report to the community on the steps being taken toward the
goal of a new organization for the TEI,
- to outline for all concerned the current schedule of events leading
toward a final decision, and
- to reiterate the invitation for institutions interested in hosting
a TEI organization to contact the TEI as soon as possible, in order to
ensure that any proposals can receive full consideration.

2 Issues List

In the course of the meeting, we elaborated a list of issues which must
be resolved in the course of any decision on the TEI's future
organization and structure; any proposal for organizing and hosting a
TEI structure is expected to address these questions.

- Intellectual property rights: the TEI's sponsoring organizations
are taking steps to clarify the current status of rights in the TEI;
any new structure needs to make clear how those rights are to be
managed in the future. There is a strong conviction that in any new
organizational structure the results of the TEI's work must remain
publicly accessible, as they are now.

- The governance and legal status of the proposed organization must be
described. It is essential that the legal structure be one that
allows full participation by institutions and individuals from all
countries; in particular, institutions in the European and North
American countries where TEI activity and use are currently most common
should be on an equal footing.

- Proposals need to specify a plausible business plan and indicate the
level of fees and other funding needed to make the proposed organization
self-sustaining. The executive committee and sponsoring organizations
have no particular requirements on this topic (beyond the hope that
membership fees not be prohibitively expensive); prospective hosts must
take into account the cultural differences between Europe and America as
regards fees for membership in consortia and cooperative organizations.

- Geography: there is a strong wish that the international flavor of
the TEI be maintained with regard to the membership, governance,
and provision of service by a TEI organization.

- The TEI has developed a structure and a set of procedures for
organizing and carrying out the intellectual work of maintaining the
Guidelines; proposals for the TEI's future need to specify in how
far these procedures will be retained, and how they will be changed.

- Proposals for a TEI organization should contain provisions
describing what is to happen if the organization is unsuccessful; such a
fall-back plan should provide among other things for the reversion of
the TEI to the original sponsoring organizations.

- The future role of the current sponsoring organizations in the
future guidance of the TEI must be spelled out. There is, in principle,
a broad range of possibilities here; in practice, the current sponsoring
organizations wish to have some active role in the governance of the
TEI, at least for some initial period -- both in order to ensure
continuity in the project and to demonstrate their continuing support
for the TEI and its goals.

- The scope of the proposed organization or cooperative must also be
clear -- where 'scope' may be described in terms of discipline, or of
type of activity, or of the common bases or foci of activities. The
sponsoring organizations recognize that standards of many kinds may be
relevant to the activities of their members, and they expect to
continue collaborating with each other on standards of mutual concern.
Whatever institutional and organizational framework is set up for the
TEI must be in a position to collaborate flexibly with future
initiatives of the sponsoring organizations (as well as continuing the
TEI's involvement in work on related standards like XML).

3 Timetable

The timetable for the decision about the future organization of the TEI
is as follows:

31 October 1998: Initial proposals should be received from prospective

November 1998: A Review Committee consisting of the TEI executive
committee and additional representatives from the sponsoring
organizations will review and discuss the proposals and ask proposers
for explanations and clarification of matters of detail in the

30 November 1998: cut-off for the discussion process, and deadline for
submission of revised proposals, with full institutional commitments.

Early to mid-December 1998: a short list of proposals will be
selected, and proposers will be notified and invited to give final
presentations at a meeting in January 1999.

Mid-January 1999: Meeting of Review Committee to receive final
presentations, following which the sponsoring organizations will
decide the future arrangements for the TEI.

31 January 1999: Public announcement of the decision made by the
sponsoring organizations will be made by the end of January.

4 Invitation

Institutions interested in proposing to organize and host a TEI
organization (or to make any other proposal for the future of the TEI)
should contact the TEI secretariat as soon as possible at the address
below for further information, since initial proposals are expected at
the end of October, and final proposals, including full institutional
commitments, are due 30 November.

Members of the sponsoring organizations, or other users of the TEI, who
would like to express their views on any of the issues outlined above,
or to suggest other issues that should be considered, are invited to
comment on TEI-L, or to contact the appropriate bodies within their
association, or to write directly to the TEI executive committee in care
of the address below.

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lou Burnard, Oxford University

TEI secretariat: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, tei@uic.edu

Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>