12.0272 jobs

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 09:30:12 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 12, No. 272.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (38)
Subject: Job Announcement

[2] From: vogel@cogsci.ed.ac.uk (36)
Subject: Lectureship in Computational Linguistics, Trinity
College, Dublin

Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 12:59:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: Job Announcement

>> From: Antoine Ogonowski <Antoine.Ogonowski@erli.fr>

> L'entreprise ERLI, depuis 21 ans sp=E9cialiste de renomm=E9e
> mondiale dans le domaine de l'ing=E9nierie linguistique , annonce
> plusieurs possibilit=E9s de poste temporaires (CDD ou stage d'=E9tude
> r=E9mun=E9r=E9) pour ing=E9nieurs informaticiens ou informaticiens =
> linguistes de niveau d=E9butant ou confirm=E9. Au moins un des postes =
> temporaires pourra =EAtre tr=E8s probablement transform=E9 en CDI.
> Les candidats seront int=E9gr=E9s dans nos =E9quipes de recherche =
> ou de d=E9veloppement de produits et seront amen=E9s =E0 couvrir =
> diff=E9rents aspects du domaine du traitement de la langue.
> La capacit=E9 d'int=E9gration et l'autonomie sont des qualit=E9s
> n=E9cessaires.
> Connaissances demand=E9es : Java, Unix, Windows NT, Perl, notions
> de bases de donn=E9es relationnelles.
> Une exp=E9rience du SGBD Oracle (de pr=E9f=E9rence V8.0.4) , des
> notions =E9l=E9mentaires de linguistique et une connaissance de =
> l'anglais, de l'espagnol ou de l'allemand seront des atouts
> suppl=E9mentaires.
> Contact :=20
> Antoine Ogonowski
> <Antoine.Ogonowski@erli.fr>
> Immeuble "Le M=E9li=E8s"
> 261, rue de Paris
> 93556 Montreuil Cedex
> <http://www.erli.com>
> Tel : 33 (0) 1 49 93 39 00
> Fax : 33 (0) 1 49 93 39 39

Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:53:46 +0100
From: vogel@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Subject: Lectureship in Computational Linguistics, Trinity College,

Please consider this ad regarding a lectureship available at Trinity
College. Further particulars are available from the Staff Office, but
I'll be happy to field informal queries (vogel@tcd.ie). Applicants
to previous posts should definitely consider re-applying.


Lecturer in Computational Linguistics
Computer Science
University of Dublin, Trinity College

Applications are invited for the following appointment in the
Department of Computer Science at Trinity College, Dublin. The
appointment will be tenable from the earliest convenient date.

The person appointed to this post will be committed to research and
teaching. The principal lecturing duties will be associated with the
degree in Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language. Candidates
should be prepared to teach a comprehensive course in natural language
processing, as well as contribute to courses in other areas such as
artificial intelligence, logic and complexity, formal semantics and
statistical methods.

The appointment will be made on contract for two years within the
salary range 15,531-21,915 per annum (Lecturer Grade II) at a point
commensurate with qualifications and experience to date.

Application form and further particulars relating to this post may be
obtained from:

Establishment Officer
Staff Office
Trinity College
Dublin 2
Tel: 608-1678
Fax: 677-2169

Electronically available application forms:

The closing date for receipt of completed applications will be Friday,
6th November, 1998


Ref: 655(iv)/98

Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>