12.0530 new publications, Rare Book School

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:40:45 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 12, No. 530.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (41)
Subject: The Journal of Language and Computation

[2] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (100)
Subject: New series in Natural Language Processing

[3] From: Book Arts Press <fac-fbap@virginia.edu> (29)
Subject: Rare Book School 1999

Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:41:01 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: The Journal of Language and Computation

>> From: Odinaldo Rodrigues<rodrigu@dcs.kcl.ac.uk>

Dear All,

This message is being sent to several lists. Apologies if you
receive multiple copies.

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new journal: The
Journal of Language and Computation (L&C),

L&C is an independent journal devoted to the publication of high
level research papers on issues in the interface of logic, linguistics, formal
grammar, and computational linguistics. It is available
electronically for free from its web site at King's College,
London. The articles are available in a number of different
formats, including DVI, postscript and portable document format

L&C fills an important need for a journal devoted specifically to
work in the emerging field of formal and computational grammar.
It is committed to rapid publication of research. As an
independent electronic journal, it is free of the commercial and space
constraints which restrict printed journals.

The same conventions which govern publication in printed journals
apply to L&C, except that authors retain the copyright of their
papers. All articles will be carefully refereed. A condition for
acceptance in L&C is that an author
agrees that he/she will not publish his/her paper elsewhere,
except with acknowledgment of its original publication in L&C.

At the end of our first year of publication, we will consider the
possibility of distributing a hard copy of the first volume of
the journal (distributed by Oxford University Press) to libraries
and subscribers. The decision on whether to produce a hard copy
version of the volume will depend upon availability of the
necessary resources.

To obtain more information, or check the first issue, please
visit the web site of L&C:

Best regards,


 Odinaldo Rodrigues
 Department of Computer Science
 King's College - Strand
 London  WC2R 2LS

--[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:41:22 +0100 From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> Subject: New series in Natural Language Processing

>> From: Ruslan Mitkov <R.Mitkov@wlv.ac.uk>

New series in Natural Language Processing

Call for Proposals

John Benjamins Publishers is launching a new book series on Natural Language Processing as a timely response to the growing demand for NLP literature. Three general types of books will be published:=20

Monographs - featuring (i) original leading edge research or (ii) surveys of the state-of-the art of specific NL tasks or applications.

Collections (i) books focusing on a particular NLP area (e.g. emerging from successful NLP workshops or as a result of editors=92 calls for papers) or (ii) books which include papers covering a wide range of topics (e.g. emerging from competitive NLP conferences or as a result of proposals for books of the type =93Reading In NLP=94).

Course books (i) general NLP course books or (ii) course books on a particular key area of NLP (e.g. Speech Processing, Computational Syntax/Parsing).

Authors will be encouraged to append supplementary materials such as demonstration programs, NLP software, corpora etc. and to indicate web-sites, computational language resources etc. where appropriate.

This call invites proposals from potential authors of the types of books described above.


The scope of the new series will be maximally comprehensive ranging from theoretical Computational Linguistics topics (Computational Syntax, Computational Semantics etc.) to highly practical Language Technology topics (speech recognition, information extraction, information retrieval etc.). The new series will cover both written language and speech; it will welcome works covering (but not limited to) areas such as: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse, pragmatics, dialogue, text understanding and generation, machine translation, machine-aided translation, translation aids and tools, corpus-based language processing; written and spoken natural language interfaces, knowledge=20 acquisition, information extraction, text summarisation, text classification, computer-aided language learning, language resources.=20

New results in NLP based on modern alternative theories and methodologies as opposed to the mainstream techniques of symbolic NLP such as analogy-based, statistical, connections as well as hybrid and multimedia approaches, will be also welcome.

The series will pay special attention to current =93hot topics=94 such as multilingual NLP, evaluation and speech.

Editor/Advisory board

The new series=92 editor is Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton) and the advisory board of the series includes:

- Christian Boitet (University of Grenoble)=20 - John Carroll (University of Sussex, Brighton)=20 - Eugene Charniak (Brown University, Providence) - Ed Hovy (Information Sciences Institute, USC) - Richard Kittredge (University of Montreal)=20 - Geoffrey Leech (Lancaster University) - Carlos Martin-Vide (Rovira i Virgili Un., Tarragona) - Andrei Mikheev (Harlequin Co. & Univ. of Edinburgh) - John Nerbonne (University of Groningen) - Nicolas Nicolov (University of Sussex, Brighton) - Kemal Oflazer (Bilkent University) - Allan Ramsey (UMIST, Manchester) - Monique Rolbert (Universite de Marseille) - Richard Sproat (AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park) - Keh-Yih Su (National Tsing Hua University, Taipei) - Isabelle Trancoso (INESC, Lisbon) - Benjamin Tsou (City University of Hong Kong)=20 - Jun-ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo) - Evelyne Tzoukermann (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill)=20 - Yorick Wilks (University of Sheffield)

The managing editor at John Benjamins is Kees Vaes=20 (Email kees.vaes@benjamins.nl).

Submission of proposals

Interested authors should submit proposals by email (plain text or postscript files) to the series editor:

Prof. Ruslan Mitkov School of Languages and European Studies University of Wolverhampton Stafford St. Wolverhampton WV1 1SB United Kingdom Telephone (44-1902) 322471 Fax (44-1902) 322739 Email R.Mitkov@wlv.ac.uk

The proposals should include an outline of the book (1-2 pages), a preliminary table of contents, the target readership, related publications, how the book will differ from other similar books in the area (if applicable), time-scale and information about the prospective author (relevant experience in the field, publications etc.).=20

Each proposal will be reviewed by members of the advisory board or additional reviewers.

More information

More information on the new series will be available in due course at http://www.wlv.ac.uk/~le1825/NLP_series.htm Information on the new series is also available at John Benjamins=92 web site http://www.benjamins.nl/jbp/index.html (new projects).

--[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:42:24 +0100 From: Book Arts Press <fac-fbap@virginia.edu> Subject: Rare Book School 1999

RARE BOOK SCHOOL 1999 (RBS): Rare Book School is pleased to announce its schedule of courses for the summer of 1999, consisting of 27 five-day, non-credit courses on topics concerning the history of books and printing, manuscripts, and special collections, to be offered on the grounds of the University of Virginia 12 July - 6 August. Tuition per course for the RBS 1999 Summer Session is $640. The complete brochure, expanded course descriptions, and applications are available at our website:


Readers of Humanist may find the course featured below to be of particular interest:

27. ELECTRONIC TEXTS AND IMAGES. A practical exploration of the research, preservation, editing, and pedagogical uses of electronic texts and images in the humanities. The course will center around the creation of a set of archival-quality etexts and digital images, for which we shall also create an Encoded Archival Description guide. Topics include: SGML tagging and conversion; using the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines; the form and implications of XML; publishing on the World Wide Web; and the management and use of on-line texts. See for details about last year's course. Some experience with HTML is a pre-requisite for admission to the course. Offered in both weeks 2 and 4. Instructor: David Seaman.

DAVID SEAMAN is the founding director of the nationally-known Electronic Text Center and on-line archive at the University of Virginia. He lectures and writes frequently on SGML, the Internet, and the creation and use of electronic texts in the humanities.

Book Arts Press ph: 804/924-8851 114 Alderman Library fax: 804/924-8824 University of Virginia email: oldbooks@virginia.edu Charlottesville, VA 22903 website: <http://www.virginia.edu/oldbooks>

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