12.0596 humanists & Internet II

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 22:58:43 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 12, No. 596.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: Soraj Hongladarom <hsoraj@chula.ac.th> (20)
Subject: Re: 12.0593 need for Internet II? concordance

[2] From: Robert Kraft <kraft@ccat.sas.upenn.edu> (10)
Subject: Re: 12.0593 need for Internet II?

[3] From: Darryl Whetter <G1W8@unb.ca> (11)
Subject: Do Humanists need Access to Internet II

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:58:46 +0100
From: Soraj Hongladarom <hsoraj@chula.ac.th>
Subject: Re: 12.0593 need for Internet II? concordance publishers?

Ronald Zweig said:

>I would like to request the assistance of fellow Humanists
>in listing all the reasons that we
> - as mere purveyors of texts and images - require access
>to a new, improved version of Internet.

I don't quite understand how mathematicians, for example, is anything more
than "mere purveyors of texts and images" too. They may employ complex
images representing some arcane equations, but we humanists certainly make
use of images and models too. Mathematical texts may be full of symbols,
but what about different writing systems that humanists study? Don't they,
too, need to be stored and displayed through the network? I think if the
case can be made for mathematicians, then the same must also be made for
humanists. If mathematicians need to have access to Internet2, then why not
for humanists? And the same argument, I think, can also be made in case of
chemists and physicists.

Soraj Hongladarom Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, THAILAND
Tel. +662-2184756 Fax +662-2184867

Personal Web Page: http://pioneer.chula.ac.th/~hsoraj/web/soraj.html

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:58:27 +0100
From: Robert Kraft <kraft@ccat.sas.upenn.edu>
Subject: Re: 12.0593 need for Internet II?

Some of us are trying to do lots of things with large digitized images (in
my case, manuscripts, paleography, and the like; but see also the art
history, archaeology, and museum projects), with hopes of sophisticated
links to text files, etc. I hope these needs will be taken into


Robert A. Kraft, Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
227 Logan Hall (Philadelphia PA 19104-6304); tel. 215 898-5827

--[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:59:01 +0100 From: Darryl Whetter <G1W8@unb.ca> Subject: Do Humanists need Access to Internet II

Ron et al,

Humanities-wise, digital collections can be a great library-levleller. The apple-cheeked Harvard kids may not be the only ones who could use access to H. collections. Really it's the end of geography I'm thinking of, or at least the end of geographical dependancy.

All good things,

Darryl Whetter Ph.D. Candidate UNB English Department (506) 455-7767

http://www.unb.ca/qwerte moving art

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