13.0028 WordCruncher &al.

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Sat, 22 May 1999 15:21:03 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 13, No. 28.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: "James W. Johnston" <james_johnston@spyhop.com> (9)
Subject: Re: 13.0024 WordCruncher

[2] From: "F. Heberlein" <Friedrich.Heberlein@eo-sun- (26)
Subject: Re: 13.0024 WordCruncher

[3] From: "Michael S. Hart" <hart@prairienet.org> (25)
Subject: Re: 13.0024 WordCruncher

Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 15:04:00 +0100
From: "James W. Johnston" <james_johnston@spyhop.com>
Subject: Re: 13.0024 WordCruncher

WordCruncher does exist in a Windows format, and is still currently
available. Unfortunately, there has not been sufficient commercial interest
in the product to justify a full scale, full-time development team. For the
time being, the lion's share of the development work is still being done at
Brigham Young University. However, we are currently in negotiations with a
publisher who has extensive experience with the Windows (and DOS) versions
of WordCruncher. By mid-summer, I expect there will be a greater level of
support for the product than there is right now. For additional information,
please feel free to contact me directly.

James Johnston

Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 15:04:37 +0100
From: "F. Heberlein" <Friedrich.Heberlein@eo-sun-us2a.ku-eichstaett.de>
Subject: Re: 13.0024 WordCruncher

Here is some information on another possible alternative to wordcruncher,
extracted form the askSam-l discussion list:

A few people have mentioned different indexing programs that can help
you find and organise things on your disk drives. There's a new one
coming out and there's a free preview of it available to download from
www Enfish.com. It's called Enfish Tracker Pro.

As well as being able to carry out the usual searches on your disk
drives and on the Internet, you can set up "trackers" that are
effectively saved searches. These allow you to dynamically track
projects, etc. It can find items matching your search criteria in all
different types of files and in your email programs and PIMs. It means
you don't need to worry about where you file your documents; you just
click on the tracker for the project you're interested in and it
quickly displays all the documents related to that project in the
order that you choose.

It seems to bridge the gap between a straight forward disk indexing
program and the more formal method of organising free text offered by

Dave Symington <<

Dr. Friedrich Heberlein, Akad. Direktor
Seminar fuer Klassische Philologie
KU Eichstaett
Ostenstr. 26-28
D-85071 Eichstaett / Bayern

email: sla019@ku-eichstaett.de
Tel.: +49 8421 93 1544 / 93 2544

Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 15:05:05 +0100
From: "Michael S. Hart" <hart@prairienet.org>
Subject: Re: 13.0024 WordCruncher

However, Folio just emailed me this month that they are no longer
making available their free Folio reader program. . .so all those
Folio files out there are now going to suffer "rot" as the call it
when you can't find/read certain files any more. . . .

Michael S. Hart
Project Gutenberg
Executive Director
Internet User ~#100

> [...]
> If not, does anyone know a better program that could import the
> > text files that I have (which are presumably in whatever format
> > uses)?
> To my knowledge WordCruncher did have two storage formats for text files:
> 1. An encrypted version which can only be read and used with
> WordCruncher's view component.
> 2. Plain ASCII files. The three levels of text, WordCruncher can handle,
> are marked by a | and some letter (differs from edition to edition). This
> file can be easily converted into something like a Folio Views Flat file
> or even read into your word processor. The text is in the file(s) with
> the suffix .byb, so have a look there. The other files contain
> just the index and word ordering information.
> Hth,
> Fotis Jannidis

Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>