14.0169 conferences, master class

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 09:12:37 CUT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0171 King's publishing venture: publishing history"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 169.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (32)
             Subject: DRH 2000

       [2] From: "Areti Damala" <damala@students.phl.uoc.gr> (70)
             Subject: Master Class announcement (fwd)

       [3] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni- (53)
             Subject: Learning 2000, Online Forum and Learning Library

             Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 10:03:30 +0100
             From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
             Subject: DRH 2000

    >> From: Roberta Catizone <roberta@dcs.shef.ac.uk>

    This Message is a Call for Registration for DRH2000

    We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for delegates to


    University of Sheffield,
    10-13 September 2000

    The on-line registration form can be found at:

    The DRH conferences have established themselves firmly in the UK and
    international calendar as a forum that brings together scholars,
    librarians,archivists, curators, information scientists and computing
    professionalsin a unique and positive way, to share ideas and
    information about the creation, exploitation, management and
    preservation of digital resources in the arts and humanities.

    The DRH 2000 conference will take place at the University of Sheffield,
    10-13 September 2000 in Stephenson Hall. Themes include: the creation
    of digital resources; their delivery, use and integration; the impact
    of digital resources on humanities research and education.


    *Full Registration 170 (includes conference dinner)
    *Local Registration 110 for University of Sheffield Staff only
    *Student Registration 60 (includes conference dinner)
    *Day Delegate 60 (not including conference dinner)


    Accommodation is provided at Stephenson Hall at the following rates:
    *En-Suite 33.40
    *Standard 27.74
    Details of local hotels are available on request.

    Full details about the conference, provisional timetable etc. may be
    found at:


    Please address any queries to drh2000@sheffield.ac.uk

             Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 10:05:12 +0100
             From: "Areti Damala" <damala@students.phl.uoc.gr>
             Subject: Master Class announcement (fwd)

    Master Class in Applied Computing and the Social Scientists.


    The University of Kent Department of Anthropology and DICE and the Centre
    for Social Anthropology and Computing invite you to participate in a series
    of one day master classes to learn new software being developed for social
    science problems. For more information please see our website or email
    Steve Lyon at mailto:S.M.Lyon@ukc.ac.uk .

    1. Saturday 9 December 2000 Dr. Fergus Sinclair Knowledge elicitation and
    expert system development

    2. Saturday 17 February 2001 Dr. Michael Fischer Fieldnotes and other field

    3. Saturday 12 May 2001 Dr. Nick Ryan Hand held mobile computing

    Kent is one of the pioneers in combining computing with social
    anthropology. Since the introduction of the World Wide Web and the
    popularity of the Internet more and more departments seem to be jumping on
    the bandwagon and contributing to studies of 'virtual societies' or making
    use of the internet for information dissemination. While we see these
    activities as very positive, we believe they are not taking full advantage
    of what the computing revolution has to offer to social science analyses.
    In the Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing we are fortunate to
    have several researchers actively involved in either developing software or
    making use of software as an integral part of analyses (Dr. Michael
    Fischer, Dr. David Zeitlyn, Dr. Janet Bagg, Dr. Nevill Colclough, Mr. Alan
    Bicker). In other parts of Europe and in North America, anthropologists
    have been developing software to deal with specific problems they have

    However there are no forums where others may learn about this software. It
    is not commercially produced, there is therefore little information to
    support it - other than the cryptic notes that may be embedded within the
    source code. A 'Master Class' series would therefore address the growing
    need of anthropologists to utilise computing tools while recognising that
    there is already a body of existing materials which will serve some of that

    The first Class will take place on the 9th of December, 2000. Dr. Fergus
    Sinclair, from the University of Wales at Bangor will instruct participants
    in software he developed to elicit knowledge

    The second Class will be in February, with Dr. Michael Fischer from UKC and
    CSAC. He will be discussing Fieldnotes and other field media: Qualitative
    content coding, extracting information, analysis and report writing.

    The final Class for the academic year will take place at the start of the
    Summer term, 5th of May 2001, with Dr. Nick Ryan, from the UKC Computing
    Department. Weather permitting, this class will involve actual field
    practice around the campus of the University of Kent.

    You do not need to be a programmer or advanced user to attend and benefit
    from these classes, although there may be designated specific sections
    which are intended for the more advanced. Some familiarity with either
    Macintosh or Windows operating systems is strongly recommended.
    Participants should leave the Master Classes with a working knowledge of
    the software and a copy of the software.


    Stephen M. Lyon
    Department of Anthropology and DICE
    Eliot College
    University of Kent at Canterbury
    Canterbury, Kent
    UK CT2 7NS

    Eliot Annex Rm: L24
    Tel: 01227-764000 Ext: 3948
    Fax: 01227-827289


    * Areti Damala
    * Thisseos 8
    * Plateia Kornarou
    * 712-01
    * Herakleion
    * Krete

             Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 10:08:18 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: Learning 2000, Online Forum and Learning Library

    Greetings humanists,

    [Hi, I thought --this might interest you --forwarded via Center for
    Digital Discourse and Culture --Thanks.--Arun]

    Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 15:20:49 -0400
    From: jeremy hunsinger <jhuns@vt.edu>

    Learning 2000: Reassessing the Virtual University
    September 28 - October 1, 2000 The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center,
    Roanoke, Virginia

    Many have been exploring ways for building a "virtual university" either
    from scratch or by virtualizing the educational experiences at already
    existing colleges and universities. Yet, a few institutions of higher
    learning, such as Virginia Tech, have been laying the foundations for such
    online learning environments since 1993. With its support for the
    Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV), a state-wide broadband ATM network
    (NET.WORK.VIRGINIA), the Faculty Development Initiative (FDI), the
    Cyberschool project in the College of Arts and Sciences, and the
    campus-wide Institute for Distance and Distributed Learning (IDDL),
    Virginia Tech has been uniquely positioned as a site to assess the benefits
    and costs of virtual university instruction. "Learning 2000: Reassessing
    the Virtual University" is a conference designed to gather colleagues from
    around the world who are interested in the shape and substance that the
    virtual university is acquiring in practice. In addition we hope to debate
    the advantages or disadvantages of digital discourse, learning online, and
    virtual university life. By reviewing the quality of faculty life, the
    pressures on support staff, the impact on student learning, the demands on
    university administrators, and the potentials for reaching new types of
    learners, a series of paper sessions, round-table discussions, panels, and
    keynote speakers will address the wide range of issues that emerge in this
    domain. The registration fee of $375 includes conference material, breaks,
    and lunch.

    If you are interested in exhibiting or serving as a sponsor, please visit
    the conference website at: <http://www.cddc.vt.edu/learning/>

    For information or assistance, please contact: Len Hatfield at
    Len.Hatfield@vt.edu or Tim Luke at tim.luke@vt.edu

    Other interesting developments by the Center for Digital Discourse and
    Culture in this arena in conjunction with the conference are:

    The online Forum on Online Learning and Virtual Universities at:


    The Extraordinary and Eclectic Distance and Distributed Learning Library
    at: <http://www.cddc.vt.edu/eeddll>

    Jeremy Hunsinger http://www.cddc.vt.edu
    Instructor of Political Science Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
    Webmaster/Manager CDDC
    526 Major Williams Hall 0130 http://www.cddc.vt.edu/jeremy --my homepage
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540)-231-7614

    You are currently subscribed to cddc as: tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de
    To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-cddc-398I@vtonline.psci.vt.edu

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