14.0324 hyperlinking and interacting

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: 10/09/00

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0325 Chomsky on the Internet"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 324.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
       [1]   From:    Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk>         (54)
             Subject: shades of meaning and personal touches
       [2]   From:    Randall Pierce <rpierce@jsucc.jsu.edu>              (12)
             Subject: perfect page
       [3]   From:    Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-        (64)
             Subject: Special HCI Seminar Tuesday 10/10 - Jan Borchers, TU
             Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 07:25:47 +0100
             From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk>
             Subject: shades of meaning and personal touches
    In his fine article, "Criticism as commentary and commentary as criticism
    in the age of electronic media" (in Commentaries -- Kommentare, ed. Glenn W
    Most, Aporemata 4, Goettingen), the late Don Fowler wrote that, "The
    commentary is often figured as a more impersonal and objective form of
    scholarship than the monograph or article, despite the distinctly personal
    tone of many of the great commentaries, from Maynor to Nisbet and Hubbard.
    This is clearly not so: commentaries like any other genre of criticism can
    only ever give us one person's view" (p 441). He goes on to illustrate with
    his favourite passage, from Norden's 1916 commentary on Aeneid 6.469, illa
    solo fixos oculos aversa tenebat, "she [Dido], turned away, held her eyes
    fixed on the ground". In his commentary Norden relates an exchange of
    letters with his colleague Heinze, "...so trug ich durch diese Annahme, wie
    mir Heinze brieflich bemerkte, einen falschen Zug in das Bild hinein..."
    Fowler remarks, "Heinze and Norden are the greatest German Latin scholars
    of this century: as the First World War approaches, we see them exchanging
    letters about whether a woman is in love with her ex-lover when she stares
    fixedly at the ground.... The act of commentary here might be taken as
    paradigmatic of philology in general, learned footnotes on the undecidable"
    (p 442).
    I quote one scholar's personal note on another's very personal note to make
    the point that the commentary medium in the right hands requires the
    subtleties of imaginative language, though in a mode not usually recognised
    as such. The commentary may be essentially ad loc., but the skillful
    scholar rings the changes intricately on his or her pointers. Though not in
    Fowler's, Norden's or Heinze's league, I know from personal experience in
    crafting scholarly footnotes that sometimes one has a very fine point to
    make and so takes care, for example, with the difference between
    "vide"/"see" and "cf./compare". Often, yes, "cf." covers a multitude of
    ignorances, serves as a pretentious dumping ground for a list of citations
    intended to impress but not inform (as Anthony Grafton says somewhere, I am
    told, exaggerating the case). But sometimes "cf." is just right, e.g. to
    say "here are instances I think are relevant but don't quite know what to
    do with". Consider also broad references to the work of another -- not to
    any particular spot but to a whole tendency of mind. Thus, to make up an
    example, "In Augustine the typological relationship between Old and New
    Ok, so how do we manage this sort of thing electronically?
    One answer is, of course, that we continue to use ordinary language in the
    traditional way with as much skill as we can muster but supplement it with
    hyperlinks. The thought-experiment of attempting to translate *all*
    references and allusions into pointers is, I think, nevertheless a fine
    one. The learned editors of the TEI and their collaborators seem to have
    thought along these or similar lines in designing a much subtler instrument
    than HREF (see, as soon as you finish reading the next sentence, TEI P3
    chapter 14, <http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/tei-tocs4.html>). Would this not
    be properly called modelling allusion? Not that we understand allusion very
    Dr Willard McCarty / Centre for Computing in the Humanities/
    King's College London / Strand / London WC2R 2LS U.K./
    +44 (0)20 7848-2784 / <ilex.cc.kcl.ac.uk/wlm/>
    maui gratias agere
             Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 07:26:58 +0100
             From: Randall Pierce <rpierce@jsucc.jsu.edu>
             Subject: perfect page
    I cannot think of any subject in which the precarious nature of the text
    is self-evident than information technology. It should be expected that
    one's magnus opus, let us say on hyperlinks and hyperinking, will be, if
    not surpassed, be made at least obselescent.  I think that I can safely
    say that the current generation of information technologists are laying
    the groundwork for encyclopedists of the near-future. I agree with my
    son-in-law, a software engineeer, that information technology will make
    the exponential increase of information available in a very short time.
    I would like to hope that as well as technologists interested in the
    techniques of hypertext expansion, there will emerge those who want to
    use the available information to make those cognitive connections so
    important to innovation. But I'm excited to be at the beginnings of the
    revolution. Randall
             Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 07:31:39 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: Special HCI Seminar Tuesday 10/10 - Jan Borchers, TU 
    Dear Humanist scholars,
    [This message was posted through the Stanford campus mailing list
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    If you are near to Stanford University..please do visit..An important
    academic event in the field of Human-Computer Interaction would be taking
    place..at..Stanford University. Highly recommended..-Arun]
    Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 12:10:27 -0700
    From: Terry Winograd <winograd@cs.stanford.edu>
    The Project on People Computers and Design will be sponsoring a special
    seminar (in addition to our regular Friday talks) next Tuesday.  Everyone
    is welcome.
    Special HCI Seminar
    Tuesday, October 10, 2:15pm Gates 104
    Jan Borchers
    Universities of Darmstadt and Ulm
    Interaction Design for New Media: A Pattern Approach
    The plethora of emerging new media technologies, from the World-Wide Web to
    immersive virtual realities, to e-books and ubiquitous, invisible
    information appliances, requires HCI experts more than ever to work
    together with software engineers and users in an interdisciplinary team in
    order to create appropriate new interaction designs. A major problem in
    these teams is communication.
    This talk proposes a new, unified framework that uses "pattern languages",
    a concept adopted from architecture, to model experience in the
    human-computer interaction, software engineering, and application domain of
    interactive software projects. This creates a "lingua franca" for everybody
    involved in the design process.
    The talk will include a demonstration of some of the interactive exhibits,
    such as "Personal Orchestra", "Virtual Vienna", or "WorldBeat", that were
    designed by the author using this approach.
    For more information about this approach, see the recent DIS 2000 paper, "A
    Pattern Approach to Interaction Design", available at
    About the speaker:
    Dr. Jan Borchers works as computer science researcher and lecturer in
    Human-Computer Interaction for New Media at the Universities of Darmstadt
    and Ulm in Germany. He holds a Ph.D. with first-class honors from Darmstadt
    University of Technology for his work on a pattern-based approach to
    interaction design.
    He has designed and lead the development of interactive systems since 1995,
    including "Personal Orchestra" which lets users conduct the Vienna
    Philharmonic, the "Virtual Vienna" 3-D city tour (both for a large museum
    in Vienna), and the award-winning interactive music exhibit, "WorldBeat"
    (presented, for example, at CHI'97).
    He received his M.Sc. in Computer Science with first-class honors from the
    University of Karlsruhe in Germany in 1995, after studying in Karlsruhe and
    at Imperial College, University of London, with emphasis on human-computer
    interaction, computer graphics, connectionism, and educational theory.
    He has authored papers for journals such as IEEE Multimedia, Computers &
    Graphics, and the SIGCHI Bulletin, and presented his work at CHI, DIS, IEEE
    ICMCS, HCI International, WWW, and other conferences. He participated in
    workshops about issues such as wearable computing, electronic books, and
    HCI patterns, and co-organized HCI patterns workshops at INTERACT'99 and
    CHI'00. His book, A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design, is the first to
    deal with HCI patterns in detail, to appear with John Wiley & Sons in 2000.
    Jan Borchers is a member of ACM and its special interest group in
    computer-human interaction (SIGCHI), and the German Computer Science
    Society (GI) and its software ergonomics group. He can be reached at
    <jan@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>; see <http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at/~jan/>
    for more information.

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