14.0427new on WWW: a small fraction of the total, but still....

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: 10/27/00

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0428 new book: Shasha and Lazere, Out of their Minds"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 427.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
       [1]   From:    NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>                    (59)
             Subject: Moving Theory into Practice: Cornell's Digital Imaging
       [2]   From:    Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-        (81)
             Subject: Jennifer Healey on "Sensible Computers": _Technologies
                     that Enable Computers to Understand Human Emotion_
       [3]   From:    NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>                   (229)
             Subject: Universal Page + "Eulogy for the Utopian Dream of the
       [4]   From:    NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>                    (34)
             Subject: "Current Cites," October 2000: Peer-to-Peer Networking
       [5]   From:    Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-        (79)
             Subject: A Roundtable Discussion with: "Merleau-Ponty and the
                     Philosophy of Mind" (insides, enclosed are the papers
                     of Profs. Hubert
       [6]   From:    Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-        (50)
             Subject: Integration of communications, information technology
                     (IT) & information and broadcasting under one
       [7]   From:    NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>                    (11)
             Subject: Valenti v. Lessig Future of IP Debate on RealVideo
       [8]   From:    NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>                    (17)
             Subject: COPYRIGHT: ALA Report on DMCA Anti-Circumvention
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 08:52:38 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: Moving Theory into Practice: Cornell's Digital Imaging 
    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    October 25, 2000
                        Moving Theory into Practice:
                    Cornell's Digital Imaging Tutorial
    As a follow-up to its innovative and successful book and workshop, Cornell
    University's  Preservation & Conservation Department has now issued an
    online tutorial version of "Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging
    for Libraries & Archives."  The book, by Anne R. Kenney and Oya Y. Rieger,
    is available from RLG, see
    The workshop continues into 2001, when it will be offered three times at
    May 14-18 (registration begins December 15, 2000); July 23-27 (registration
    from March 1); and October 1-5  (registration from June 1). For further
    information on the workshop, see:
    David Green
     >Date:         Wed, 25 Oct 2000 11:09:33 -0400
     >>list             <DIGLIB@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
     >From: Barbara Berger Eden <beb1@CORNELL.EDU>
    Please excuse any duplication
    Moving Theory into Practice: Cornell's Digital Imaging Tutorial
    The Department of Preservation and Conservation of Cornell University
    Library announces the public release of its online digital imaging
    tutorial, Moving Theory into Practice. Although designed as an adjunct to
    the recently published book and workshop series known by the same name, the
    tutorial can also serve as a standalone introduction to the use of digital
    imaging to convert and make accessible cultural heritage materials.
    Produced with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the
    tutorial is currently available in English, with a Spanish language version
    to follow in December 2000 (from the same Web address). The tutorial
    consists of sections encompassing all the major aspects of digital imaging:
    Selection, Conversion, Quality Control, Metadata, Technical Infrastructure,
    Presentation, Digital Preservation, and Management. Designed to be
    self-guided and self-paced, the tutorial includes frequent "reality checks"
    for evaluating the understanding of the presented material. Most sections
    are heavily illustrated, and provide suggestions for further reading. The
    tutorial also includes several tables, providing reference data on topics
    such as graphic file formats, compression techniques, scanner
    characteristics, and institutional guidelines
    NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National
    Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of
    announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted;
    neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We
    attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate
    reciprocal credit.
    For questions, comments or requests to un-subscribe, contact the editor:
    See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 08:53:48 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: Jennifer Healey on "Sensible Computers": _Technologies 
    that Enable Computers to Understand Human Emotion_
    Dear Humanists,
    [Hello..this message was forwarded through the Stanford campus mailing
    list server.  If you wish to subscribe to the "People, Computers and
    Design" mailing list, please send the message body of "subscribe
    pcd-seminar" (w/o quotes) to <majordomo@lists.stanford.edu> The
    talk of Dr. Jennifer Healey reminds me the book of Rosalind Picard,
    "Affective Computing" (published by MIT PRESS)..According to Rosalind
    Picard, if we want computers to be genuinely intelligent and to interact
    naturally with us, we must give computers the ability to recognize,
    understand, even to have and express emotions..outstanding views! More
    details regarding the book can be found at
    Thank you. Best Regards.--Arun]
    Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 14:02:24 -0700
    From: Terry Winograd <winograd@cs.stanford.edu>
    Stanford Seminar on People, Computers, and Design (CS547)
    Home page: http://hci.stanford.edu/seminar
    Video: http://stanford-online.stanford.edu/courses
    Friday, October 27, 2000, 12:30-2:00pm
    Gates B01 (HP Classroom) and SITN
    Jennifer Healey, MIT Media Lab
    TITLE: Sensible Computers: Technologies that Enable Computers to Understand
    Human Emotion
    There is a movement in computer science toward developing systems that
    learn what their users want and that try to model their user's interests
    and respond in a more adaptive way. Currently, methods of modeling user
    preferences and frustrations involve active non-social interactions, such
    as clicking on menus and creating preference lists; however, the natural
    way people communicate and respond to satisfaction or dissatisfaction is
    through affective expression.
        To appear socially intelligent, computers will have to develop a model of
    their user's emotional state and respond to that state appropriately. This
    affective intelligence becomes more important as computers become more
    ubiquitous. A natural, social interaction with a spreadsheet or programming
    task might seem superfluous, but computers will soon be everywhere, in our
    homes, assisting with cooking, heating, and room ambiance, in our cars,
    controlling communication, navigation and music selection and even in our
    clothing, extending our senses, jogging our memories in appropriate
    contexts and perhaps broadcasting messages expressing our personality.
        This talk will present novel systems for detecting emotional state
    through physiological signals using wearable computers and embedded systems
    with bio-sensors and cameras. These systems were used in three experiments
    to detect emotion in an office environment, an ambulatory environment and
    while driving a car. Recognition results by the computer are comparable to
    those found by a humans in similar experiments.
    Jennifer Healey is a recent PhD graduate from MIT's Electrical Engineering
    and Computer Science department and conducted her thesis research at the
    MIT Media Lab where she was Pr. Rosalind Picard's first graduate student in
    the new field of Affective Computing. This summer she completed a
    post-doctoral position on a ubiquitous AI project at IBM's Zurich Research
    Laboratory. Her prior work includes a BS (1993) and MS (1995) from MIT in
    Electrical Engineering and Optics. She has been actively involved in the
    Media Lab's Wearables project and is interested in the applying bio-metric
    technologies for promoting health awareness and managing diseases related
    to chronic pain and stress. Her publications can be accessed through her
    media lab homepage at http://www.media.mit.edu/~fenn
    NEXT WEEK - November 3, 2000 - Ted Selker, MIT Media Lab
               Context Aware Computing;
                Can implicit communication with computers be more useful than
    explicit communication?
    The lectures are available each week over the Internet. For details see
    <http://stanford-online.stanford.edu>. They can be accessed without
    The mailing list for these seminar announcements is
    pcd-seminar@lists.stanford.edu, which is managed by a Majordomo server. For
    information on subscribing or unsubscribing, send email to
    majordomo@lists.stanford.edu with a line in the body containing the word help
    For information about the project in general see <http://hci.stanford.edu>
    or send human-readable email to pcd-person@pcd.stanford.edu.
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 08:55:19 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: Universal Page + "Eulogy for the Utopian Dream of the Net"
    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    October 25, 2000
                                     Universal Page
                           Natalie Bookchin + Alexei Shulgin
                        Eulogy for the Utopian Dream of the Net
                                    by Randall Packer
      From the ever innovative Walker Art Center comes an online exhibit
    centered around the web art piece, "Universal Page." With the following
    introduction to the piece, the Walker has added Randall Packer's
    interpretive essay, "Eulogy for the Utopian Dream of the Net." A reminder
    to us all of the gap between our visions and practical achievements.
    David Green
    Universal Page "From the first moment of the new millennium all public
    content on the World Wide Web has come together for the first time in
    history to form the single largest collaboration ever known to humankind.
      From the start of the new millennium onward, with a public opening on the
    occasion of the Walker Art Center exhibition Let's Entertain and Art
    Entertainment Network, Universal Page will display all content on the Web,
    merged together as one, and will be available for viewing twenty-four hours
    a day. All users on the Internet are invited to join together to witness
    the consummation of global collectivity.
    Universal Page is the objective average of all content of the Web. A
    special script, developed by a team of American and Russian programmers,
    crawls and searches the Web, analyzing and processing current data and
    generating an average according to precise algorithms. In order to keep up
    with the pace of the always changing Web, all content on Universal Page is
    continuously updated in real time.
    A manifestation and proclamation of the utopian dream of world unity and
    the realization of democratic global communication, Universal Page
    articulates the historic and momentous effects of constant flows of
    creation, communication, exchange, collectivity, connectivity and
    interactivity where no one with a computer and a modem is excluded, no one
    with a web server is unheard, and no one with a software client is ignored.
    This ultimate commemorative living magnum opus utilizes  the work, play and
    input of every single participant, human and robotic, of the World Wide
    Web, and mandates a universal commitment to a unified peaceful new
    millennium, where subjects of the world will live together in shared harmony.
    Universal Page is a pulsating, living monument commemorating no  single
    individual or icon but instead, celebrating the global collective known as
    the World Wide Web. Universal Page offers the world a once  in a lifetime
    opportunity to honor and observe our networked past, present and future as
    it boldly initiates our entry into the new millennium.
    Universal Page has been funded by the Jerome Foundation and the Walker Art
    Center. The project was first envisioned and is now being orchestrated by
    Natalie Bookchin and Alexei Shulgin.
     >From: webwalker-admin@maillist.walkerart.org To: "WebWalker"
     >>Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 01:24:58 -0500
    Eulogy for the Utopian Dream of the Net
    by Randall Packer
    Universal Page
    Natalie Bookchin + Alexei Shulgin
    "The Dream is over."
    The Universal Page has, finally, put to rest the Utopian Dream of a
    collectively-engaged, harmonious world united by the invisible
    impulses of the Net. I am delivering my Eulogy to praise this noble
    effort, as well as honor the past, that has brought to an end once and
    for all an age of naive aspirations and fatal ideologies.
    Natalie Bookchin and Alexei Shulgin, the co-creators behind the
    Universal Page, devised the precise and deadly Lethal Algorithm that
    dealt a quick death to the Utopian Dream of the Net. Driven by
    overwhelming cynicism, a yearning for hope and renewal, and a cool,
    detached need to topple teetering Theories, their Special Script
    "scrawls and searches the entire Web," gathering in its path the
    endless torrent of on-line rants, musings, pleas, and
    declarations--thrashing and churning a once hopeful and misguided
    idealism into a heap of meaningless ASCII. "Brx gbtfl rjsff gcmw hf
    p7xc oGgurnc qypw6 j," the Universal Page reads, is all we have
    left of the Dream.
    Where once we dreamed of a world of One, a Global Village, a
    democratized Art, radical new participatory forms and the destruction
    of rigid hierarchies, we can now only look back with a sigh of
    nostalgia and a sad tear. It was a beautiful Dream--a grand one at
    that--since the earliest days of the telegraph. Wasn't it Samuel
    Morse, ushering in the era of the Victorian Internet in 1846 when he
    sent the first telegraph message from Washington, DC to Baltimore, who
    declared, "What Hath God Wrought."
    Such words are now so poignant. One fondly remembers the touching
    proclamations that followed the laying of the first trans-Atlantic
    cable in the 1850s. The Atlantic Telegraph became "that instantaneous
    highway of thought between the Old and New Worlds." "We are one!" they
    cried, as Nations clasped hands in belief of the new Age of
    It was a heady time, intoxicating, filled with commemorations,
    speeches, and excessive hope for a new bright future in which man
    could extend his reach into the unknown territory of the Electronic
    Frontier. "The greatest event in the present century," they claimed,
    "now [that] the great work is complete, the whole earth will be belted
    with electric current, palpitating with human thoughts and emotions."
    One has to hold back intense feelings while recalling these now
    distant memories.
    Yes, those brave Victorians believed the electronic media would heal
    the world of its problems, in which old prejudices and hostilities
    should no longer exist. The terrible and inevitable forces of human
    nature would yield to man's great Invention. Of course we laugh at
    such naivet, now that the veil of illusion has been stripped clean by
    the Universal Page, but at the time, they believed that world peace
    would be achieved by the "constant and complete intercourse between
    all nations and individuals in the world." Steam power may have been
    "the first olive branch offered to us by science," they proclaimed,
    but the electric telegraph "enables any man who happens to be within
    reach of a wire to communicate instantaneously with his fellow men all
    over the world."
    Remembering these profound aspirations is overwhelming. Devastating.
    It is painful to continue, but I must.
    As communications technology evolved, the telegraph would come to join
    the hemispheres, unite distant nations, making them feel they are
    members of one great family. Information would flow freely and
    globally. By the early 20th Century, HG Wells envisioned a World Brain
    that gathered together all of mankind's knowledge into a vast library.
    Vannevar Bush, America's Scientist during the Second World War,
    believed that we would build memory machines so that we could "find
    delight in the task of establishing useful trails through the enormous
    mass of the common record." Science would bring us all together!
    Uniting our Knowledge, our Culture, our Dreams, our Fantasies!
    There were many hopeful scientists and cultural theorists who emerged
    during the social transformation that took place in the 1960s, who
    believed passionately in the Dream. We must not forget their committed
    and touching dedication to the creative possibilities of the new
    technologies. J.C.R. Licklider believed in the Symbiosis, the merging
    as One, of man and machine; Douglas Engelbart's idea was to use the
    network to "Boost the Collective IQ" to "solve the world's complex
    problems"; Ted Nelson, believed that "Everything is Deeply
    Intertwingled," and someday, we would all live united in the
    Hypertext; and of course the great media sociologist Marshall McLuhan,
    whose proclamations touched the hearts and minds of artists and
    thinkers of his time, declared emphatically: "Today after more than a
    century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous
    system itself in a Global Embrace, abolishing both space and time as
    far as our planet is concerned."
    The Global Embrace would come to be called the Telematic Embrace, as
    artists such as Roy Ascott saw in the potential of telecommunications
    "the harmonization and creative development of the whole planet." Like
    their Victorian predecessors, it seemed anything was possible. And
    yet, the final cornerstone of the Utopian Promise was about to be
    laid. It is very difficult to speak of this moment in history without
    deep sorrow. But when the World Wide Web was born in 1989, Tim
    Berners-Lee, and such a humble man he was, announced that the Net
    would allow us, as he mused philosophically, to "Enquire Within Upon
    The World flocked to the Web. The Dream had become a reality. How
    could anyone resist and not pluck the fruit? And so too the artists
    came, in droves, emancipated by this new found power to reach anyone
    and everyone with their message. And there was more! For not only
    could the artist bypass the now archaic bastion of cultural
    distribution, the Museum, they could join with the Masses, interact
    with them joyously in the bliss of the Collaborative Artwork.
    Ubiquitous computing and networking has led to democratization, they
    rallied!! Every citizen of the Net could be part of the process of the
    creation of Art!
    But ultimately it was this great potential of the Net to include
    everyone that proved to be its fatal flaw. It was their duty, those
    two, to put an end to the Utopian Dream with their Universal Page,
    "the Last Web Page. The Ultimate Web Page!" That Lethal Algorithm has
    delivered the death blow to rampant Idealism by revealing to us the
    profoundly meaningless nature of the homogenized, democratizing
    synthesis of Web chatter, as culled by the Universal Page from every
    single Web page on the face of the Earth. Yes, the brownification of
    The Universal Page. This is what it took to put an end to the Dream
    and we must now take this moment to remember, to reflect, and to
    remorse. A moment of silence, please...
    At this sad moment, looking back, it is heartbreaking to realize it is
    over. But it was the conviction of Alexei and Natalie that the Dream
    must be shattered, and we must have absolute faith in their decision.
    The greater danger, they felt, of making grandiose and "Universal
    Statements" via the Net would have been destructive to our Art and so
    too, our Human Condition. That they have protected us from the Hype,
    the Generalizations, the Grand Proposals, the Flowery Rhetoric--the
    menacing forces that poisoned the Dream--we should be forever
    I understand you feel empty now. But things are not hopeless. We can
    only wonder what will replace the Utopian Dream of the Net which has
    nourished us for more than a century. Perhaps this poem by the Great
    American HyperNovelist Mark Amerika will provide us with new Hope, new
    Inspiration -- taken from a message he posted on one of the now defunct
    projects of the past era, the Telematic Manifesto:
    Hello Fellow Listmember Selves
    Telepistmologically-Enabled Kin
    Curatorially-Linked Writer-Mediums
    Net -Conditioned Lurkers
    Those of Us Swimming in American - produced Autopoiesis
    Infomatic Sha(wo)men Filtering the White Noise
    Computer-Mediated Consciousnesses
    Virtual Subjectivities Splayed in a Network Environment
    Gardeners of Edenic Robotry
    Principled Language Disseminators Intertwingling
    Rhizomatic Nomads, Monads, Gonads, and Phonads
    Galactic Singularities Enmeshed in Hypermediated Context
    Your Exchange Continues To Stimulate
    Neurons Pumping
    Intelli-Blood Rush
    Thank you fellow Artists, Theorists, Thinkers, Dreamers. Ever-Hopeful,
    let us together seek renewal in a world no longer encumbered by the
    Dream. The Dream is now Dead. Gone. Over. Finished. "We won't get
    fooled again..."
    Randall Packer's work as a composer, media artist and producer/curator
    has focused on the integration of live performance, technology and the
    interdisciplinary arts. From the revival of avant-garde music theater
    to the creation of new interactive media work, he has bridged current
    issues in art and technology with seminal interdisciplinary ideologies
    from throughout the 20th century.
    Steve Dietz
    Director, New Media Initiatives
    Walker Art Center
    subscribe Webwalker:
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 08:57:18 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: "Current Cites," October 2000: Peer-to-Peer Networking
    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    October 25, 2000
                      [1]Current Cites (Digital Library SunSITE)
                           Volume 11, no. 10, October
                                Edited by [2]Roy
                 The Library, University of California, Berkeley, 94720
                                   ISSN: 1060-2356 -
    The October issue of "Current Cites" is now available. It focuses on recent
    renewed interest in peer-to-peer networking online, which includes
    file-sharing and file-swapping, thus also extends to copyright issues. From
    this ground the pieces here cited, as editor Roy Tennant puts it,
    "speculate on the future of creativity, publishing, and access to
    information in the wake of an unstoppable technology that will change
    David Green
     >Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 21:15:23 -0700 (PDT)
     >From: CITES Moderator <citeschk@library.berkeley.edu>
     >To: Multiple recipients of list <cites@library.berkeley.edu>
                      [1]Current Cites (Digital Library SunSITE)
                            Volume 11, no. 10, October 2000
                                Edited by [2]Roy Tennant
                 The Library, University of California, Berkeley, 94720
                                   ISSN: 1060-2356 -
          Contributors: [3]Terry Huwe, [4]Michael Levy, [5]Leslie Myrick , Jim
                       Ronningen, Lisa Rowlison, [6]Roy Tennant
         Issue Spotlight: Peer-to-Peer Networking
    [material deleted]
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 08:59:45 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: A Roundtable Discussion with: "Merleau-Ponty and the 
    Philosophy of Mind" (insides, enclosed are the papers of Profs. Hubert
    Greetings Humanists,
    [Hello, --here is the *details* of an important event regarding
    "Phenomenology Now and Secondary Work on/of M-P", that will be taking
    place at University of California, Berkeley on 30th October 2000. The
    Townsend Center's PHENOMENOLOGY NOW of UCB presents: "Merleau-Ponty and
    the Philosophy of Mind", A Roundtable Discussion with: PROFESSOR HUBERT
    DREYFUS (Department of Philosophy, U. C. Berkeley) and PROFESSOR SEAN
    D. KELLY (Department of Philosophy, Princeton University) Prof. Sean Kelly
    will be presenting his work, entitled "Why Perception Might Not be Like
    Thought" and Prof. Hubert Dreyfus will be discussing *The Current
    Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment* in his paper,
    "Intelligent Without Representation". If you are near to the University of
    California, Berkeley, then please try to make it.. -the event is highly
    recommended. For more close details, please contact "Prof. Joel Tyler
    Nickels" at <joeln@uclink4.berkeley.edu> Thank you. Best Wishes..-Arun
    .....Dr. Joel Tyler Nickels wrote the below..
      > Greetings, all. Below are links to the Hubert Dreyfus and Sean Kelly 
      > so you don't have to xerox them. It seems important that everyone come
    to the
      > talk on Monday with several questions about the pieces, so this event 
    can be
      > what it is listed as-- i.e. a roundtable. Also, everyone please spread the
      > word about the talk and personally invite friends and faculty to 
      > verbally or over email-- this excellent work deserves to be met with a 
      > turnout. Remember the talk is "MERLEAU-PONTY AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF 
      > takes place Monday, Oct. 30th, from 3-5 p.m. in the Townsend Center
      > Conference Room, 220 Stephens Hall.
      > Cordially,
      > Joel
    Sean Kelly's Why Perception Might Not be a Thought..
    at <http://www.geocities.com/s_j_murray/kelly.html>
    Hubert Dreyfus's Intelligent Without Representation..
    at <http://www.hfac.uh.edu/cogsci/dreyfus.html>
    [material deleted]
    --short synopsis of Prof. Dreyfus's paper, written by Arun Tripathi--
    HI --here is one pointer (an interesting paper on "Intelligent Without
    Representation") --thought --might interest you --in this paper -
    Prof. Hubert Dreyfus has described the relationships between the
    "Phenomenology of Embodiment and Neuro-science". The article can be
    read at <http://www.hfac.uh.edu/cogsci/dreyfus.html> --The paper by
    Prof. Dreyfus is having a tremendous potential towards the Embodiment and
    Neuroscience; a fantastic -well-written paper, I like it very much. He is
    an excellent reader of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. In this paper, he has
    discussed many more contemporary issues such as, agents and their
    relationships with the World. The agents' skills cannot be stored as a
    representation, but as a disposition in the mind of a being. And, the most
    important views, he discussed about the establishment of an *Intentional
    Arc*. Prof. Hubert Dreyfus also discussed the importance of the relevance
    of phenomenology to scientific explanation in "Intelligence Without
    Representation". Humanities scholars like Prof. Hubert Dreyfus may wish
    to explore parallels and differences between recent critiques of the
    Cartesian model of mind by postmodernists and cognitive scientists.
    His article was submitted for the discussion at the *Cognitive
    Science: Humanities & the Arts* see at
    He also wrote an article on "Merleau-Ponty's Existential Phenomenology",
    published in "MIT Publication in the Humanties, Number 69."
    The citation for paper, "The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's
    Phenomenology of Embodiment" is *Filozofska Istrazivanja, Vol 1, No. 3,
    (1995); Reprinted in: The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Issue
    4, (Spring 1996); Embodiment, Gail Wiess, Ed., Routledge and Kegan Paul
    (forthcoming) **The paper on "The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's
    Phenomenology of Embodiment" is a similar version of the paper
    "Intelligence Without Representation".
    "The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment" can
    be read at
    A slight different version *Merleau-Ponty's Critique of Mental
    Representation* (a focus paper for the Houston's Studies in Cognitive
    Science) can be read at
    I hope, you will enjoy the essay!
    Thank you!
    Sincerely yours
    Arun Tripathi
    "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." -SOCRATES
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:01:47 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: Integration of communications, information technology 
    (IT) & information and broadcasting under one umbrella..
    Dear Humanist readers,
    [Following news is forwarded with courtesy and thanks to Zunaira Durrani,
    the marvelous editor of SPIDER: Pakistan's Internet Magazine, see at
    (http://www.spider.tm) --the SPIDER is covering all the contemporary
    issues of Internet and Information Technology and their future and
    developments in the developing countries, like Pakistan and India.
    Look for more details about SPIDER at (http://www.spider.tm/aboutus.shtml)
    Thanks and Best Regards.--Arun]
    Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 16:23:09 +0500
    From: Zunaira <zunaira@cyber.net.pk>
    India Proposes Super Ministry for Convergence
    By Uday Lal Pai
    India Correspondent, asia.internet.com
    [October 23, 2000--MUMBAI] The government of  India is considering
    integration of communications, information technology (IT) and
    information and broadcasting by creating an umbrella
    ministry for convergence.
    The idea for the new ministry was put forward by communications minister
    Ram Vilas Paswan. "The sub-group on convergence led by jurist Fali S
    Nariman has recommended an integration of three ministries and now we are
    working on the structure of the nodal ministry," he said.
    The group has recommended establishing a super regulator for voice and
    data communication through any medium on the lines of the Telecom
    Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), which would be called Communications
    Commission of India (CCI), said Paswan.
    Paswan said that the bill is likely to be introduced in Parliament in the
    winter session. Replying to queries on the move to have an umbrella
    ministry, Paswan said the Telegraph Act of 1885, which governs the working
    of communications ministry, is being changed, so there is no reason why
    the implementation of the Convergence Bill will make  any difference, he
    pointed out.
    However, political observers feel that Paswan claim may not be easy to
    entertain given that the other two ministries that will make up the new
    body are headed by political heavyweights, who will not be amenable to a
    proposal that seeks to strip them of their turf and influence.
    Paswan said he would take steps to ensure that the Convergence Bill is
    introduced in Parliament during the winter session. However, he made it
    clear that the government would have to take the administrative decision
    for any such ministerial restructuring because it is
    politically sensitive.
    "Which minister will pilot the bill on  convergence has not yet been
    decided. It could even be the PM," Paswan said. He added, "Converging
    technologies should increase the teledensity in the rural areas, which
    despite having 29 million telephones constitutes for only 18 percent of
    the total telephones, though they represent 78 percent of the population.
    The government is committed to provide a telephone in every village by
    2002 and increase the number of telephones to 70 million by 2005
    and 100 million by 2010."
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:05:30 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: Valenti v. Lessig Future of IP Debate on RealVideo
    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    October 26, 2000
                                      Valenti v. Lessig
                 The Future of Intellectual Property on the Internet: A Debate
                    7pm, October 1, 2000: Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA
    For a predictably lively debate on the future of ip online, see the archive
    of the Oct 1 Harvard Law School debate between Jack Valenti and Lawrence
    Lessig, which includes a complete RealVideo recording of the event.
    [material deleted]
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:06:20 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: COPYRIGHT: ALA Report on DMCA Anti-Circumvention Ruling
    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    October 26, 2000
                        Fair Use Exemption Considered Lost Online
                    American Library Association Issues Bitter Rebuke
    This report from the American Library Association indicates that the
    Librarian of Congress has ruled that the contentious provision of the DMCA
    prohibiting anti-circumvention of electronic protection mechanisms will not
    harm the fair use exemption of copyrighted materials online. This ruling
    was based on a study conductd by the Copyright Office, involving hearings
    and public comments. A new ruling will be made in 2003.
    Stay tuned for further responses.
    David Green
    [material deleted]

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