14.0570 Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: 12/19/00

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0571 Happy Christmas & other solsticials"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 570.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
             Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 06:20:15 +0000
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: Calls for Papers: Electronic Theses; Electronic Publishing
    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    December 15, 2000
                                       ETD 2001
           Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations
                         March 22-24, 2001: Pasadena, CA
                   Call for Papers: Deadline: January 15th, 2001
                                  *    *    *    *
                   ELPUB2001 - "2001 in the Digital Publishing Odyssey"
                 July 5 -7th, 2001: University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
     >Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 14:55:27 -0500 (EST)
     >>From: Joan K Lippincott <joan@cni.org>
     >To: Multiple recipients of list <cni-announce@cni.org>
    <<http://library.caltech.edu/etd>http://library.caltech.edu/etd>ETD 2001
    Call for Papers
    Fourth International Symposium
    Electronic Theses and Dissertations
    March 22nd, 23rd, and 24th
    California Institute of Technology
    Deadline: January 15th, 2001
    ETD 2001 wants you to participate!
    We invite submissions on all topics related to the creation and maintenance of
    ETD repositories. Examples of possible topics include:
        * Intellectual Property:  Copyright, Patent, and Prior Publication
        * Organizational Issues:  How to manage the submission and approval process
          of ETDs?
        * "Alternative" Theses and Dissertations:  How important is traditional
          linear text?  How will we assess the intellectual content of a multimedia
          work?  What works qualify as ETDs?
        * User-Education and Software-Development Issues
        * Standards for Archiving Multimedia Documents
        * Etc.
    There is room for a limited number of contributed papers and poster
    presentations. For full consideration, please submit Title, One-Page Abstract,
    and Author Names as soon as possible, but not later than January 15th, 2001.
    Submit Title, One-Page Abstract, and Author Names
    Editor Contact Information:
    ETD 2001 Submissions
    c/o John H. Hagen
    WVU Libraries, Acquisitions Dept.
    P.O. Box 6069
    Morgantown, WV  26506-6069
    (304) 293-4040, Ext. 4025
    Fax:  (304) 293-6638
                   ELPUB2001 - "2001 in the Digital Publishing Odyssey"
                 July 5 -7th, 2001: University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
    In the world of digital publishing, formerly separate disciplines are
    merging and overlapping. Informational exchange on a technical as well
    as on a cultural level will provide important guidance for the future
    odyssey in new opportunities for digital publishing. This is serious
    argument for participating in ELPUB 2001 in Canterbury!
    ELPUB2001 is the 5th in a series of annual international conferences on
    Electronic Publishing. The objective of ELPUB2001 is to bring together
    researchers, managers, developers, and users working on the issues
    related to electronic publishing for public, scientific and commercial
    The conference will continue the tradition of the previous conferences
    which took place in Great Britain in 1997, Hungary in 1998, Sweden in
    1999 and Russia in 2000.
    Submitted scientific papers, presentations of prototypes, operational
    systems, and associated experiences.
    The focus is on electronic publishing for academic and industrial
    purposes and for the general public. We welcome speakers on
    non-technical  and technical problems.
    Three main topics with several subsections are addressed:
    I. New Publishing Models
    XML and further standards, interchange networks, distributed systems,
    document input, document delivery, e-books and new  output media.
    Global co-operation in publishing, scientific demands (Citing,
    Linking), education and training, user needs and user profiles.
    II. Digital Libraries
    Architecture, knowledge management, multimedia in digital libraries,
    multi-lingualism, Navigation and information retrieval.
    New library services, content management, user interfaces, cataloguing
    and archives
    III. E-Commerce for Publishing
    Copyright saving and security systems, new business models,
    author-publisher-librarian: costs&payments; legal issues.
    Each topic has two tracks:
    1. Technical focus   2. Human and cultural focus
    Proceedings of the conference will be published both as a book and
    The list of topics is not meant to be exhaustive and submissions on any
    topic within the overall conference theme will be considered.
    [material deleted]

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