14.0815 summer seminars, conference, talk

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 01:46:30 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0816 sci-fi"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 815.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: Grindstone Island Summer Seminars (140)
             Subject: Hands-On Seminars in Cultural Multimedia

       [2] From: lachance@chass.utoronto.ca (Francois Lachance) (20)
             Subject: Teaching Online and Release Time

       [3] From: Elli Mylonas <elli_mylonas@BROWN.EDU> (27)
             Subject: Birdsall on Digital Divide Wed 25th

       [4] From: Alan Burk <burk@unb.ca> (45)
             Subject: Announcement - Summer Institute 2001 - Creating
                     Electronic Texts and Images

             Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 06:36:36 +0100
             From: Grindstone Island Summer Seminars <grindstone@archimuse.com>
             Subject: Hands-On Seminars in Cultural Multimedia

    Announcing the Grindstone Island Summer Seminar Series:
    a unique opportunity for professional training


    Archives & Museum Informatics is delighted to announce an
    exceptional learning opportunity for cultural heritage professionals.
    On an 11-acre private island,
    leaders in cultural multimedia development will be offering
    small-group hands-on seminars this summer.

    Grindstone Island summer seminars offer a high quality learning
    environment in a spectacular natural setting. Class size is limited
    to 12; courses are taught by 1-3 instructors. The island is equipped
    with a 12 person lab, a wireless network, and a high-speed internet

    Courses offered this summer cover a range of interests and skill levels.

    [material deleted]

    Grindstone Island is owned and operated by
    David Bearman and Jennifer Trant
    Archives & Museum Informatics

    Grindstone Island Summer Seminars grindstone@archimuse.com
    offered by phone: +1 412 422 8530
    Archives & Museum Informatics fax: +1 412 422 8594
    2008 Murray Ave, Suite D http://www.archimuse.com/grindstone
    Pittsburgh, PA 15217

    In-depth learning opportunities for cultural informatics professionals.

             Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 06:37:10 +0100
             From: lachance@chass.utoronto.ca (Francois Lachance)
             Subject: Teaching Online and Release Time

    Willard and company

    May 1 to May 3

    TCC 2001
    What Have We Discovered and Where Are We Headed?
    Sixth Annual Teaching in the Community Colleges Online Conference

    Of interest to Humanist subscribers are many papers of which

    Eric Johnson


    The author has taught online courses since 1990 (including Humanities
    Computing) and has held administrative posts where he was responsible for
    the development of online programs.

    Still time to join the conference, read the paper and participate in an
    online chat with the author.

    Papers from previous years are available.

    Anyone care to engage in some academic journalism and report back on their
    online conference experience to Humanist?
    That URL once again :


             Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 06:37:28 +0100
             From: Elli Mylonas <elli_mylonas@BROWN.EDU>
             Subject: Birdsall on Digital Divide Wed 25th

    The Brown Computing in the Humanities Users' Group presents

    William F. Birdsal

    The Digital Divide: A Policy Paradox in the Liberal State.

    5:00 pm Wednesday, April 25, 2001
    STG Conference Room, Grad Center, Ground Floor, Tower E

    The digital divide has become a high profile public policy issue in
    Canada and the United States. Birdsall examines the nature of the
    digital divide, North American liberal political culture, and government
    information highway policy on universal access. He argues that the
    digital divide is inherent to the unique liberal social welfare
    structures of both countries. The liberal commitment to universality is
    undermined by a liberal stratified social structure in both countries, a
    paradox of public policy. However, there is evidence that Canada
    remains thus far distinct from the U.S. in its commitment to universality.

    Birdsall is the Executive Director of Novanet, a consortium of
    post-secondary Nova Scotia libraries, and the Council of Atlantic
    University Librarians/Conseil des Directeurs(trices) de Bibliothque des
    Universits de L'Atlantique. Previously he was University Librarian at
    Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and has held senior
    administrative library position at U.S. and Canadian university
    libraries. He has published articles on the politics of librarianship,
    professionalism, information technology, telecommunications, and public
    policy. His book, The Myth of the Electronic Library (1994) was
    published in Japan in 1996. He recently co-edited with Karen Adams,
    Understanding Telecommunications and Public Policy: A Guide for
    Libraries (1998). Articles have appeared in the Canadian Library
    Journal, the Library Journal, Library Trends, INET Society Proceedings,
    First Monday, the Queen's Quarterly, and many other publications.

             Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 06:39:10 +0100
             From: Alan Burk <burk@unb.ca>
             Subject: Announcement - Summer Institute 2001 - Creating
    Electronic Texts and Images

    This announcement for Creating Electronic Texts and Images Summer Institute
    with David Seaman is a re-posting ; please excuse any duplication.

        Alan Burk
        Electronic Text Centre at the University of New Brunswick Libraries

       Announcing the Fifth Summer Institute at the University of New
                Brunswick / Fredericton / New Brunswick / Canada


    Creating Electronic Texts and Images -- a practical "hands-on"
    exploration of the research, preservation and pedagogical uses of
    electronic texts and images in the humanities.

    DATES: August 19 - 24, 2001
    INSTRUCTOR: David Seaman, University of Virginia
    PLACE: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

    Sponsored by the Electronic Text Centre at the University of New
    Brunswick Libraries and the Department of Archives and Special

    The course will centre around the creation of a set of electronic texts and
    digital images. Topics to be covered include:

               SGML/XML tagging and conversion
               Using the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
               Ebooks (This will be an expanded component for this years institute)
               The basics of archival imaging
               The form and implications of XML
               Publishing SGML/XML on the World Wide Web
               EAD - Encoded Archival Descriptions

    The course is designed primarily for librarians and archivists who are
    planning to develop electronic text and imaging projects, for scholars who
    are creating electronic texts as part of their teaching and research, and
    for publishers who are looking to move publications to the Web.

    Course participants will learn how to create TEI encoded XML files from a
    selection of manuscripts from UNBs Archives and Special Collections; and,
    then, how to turn these XML files automatically into multiple formats,
    including HTML, PDF, and EBook. Participants will also have the opportunity
    to tag an EAD finding aid and explore issues in creating digital images.
    The work of the class will be made available on the Internet through the
    Electronic Text Centre at the University of New Brunswick Libraries Web

    [material deleted]

    Alan Burk, Associate Director of Libraries and Director of the Electronic
    Text Centre
    Phone: 506-453-4740 Fax: 506-453-4595

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