15.063 ACH-2001; Bib & Tech Day (Oxon); Image Retrieval

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 01:44:27 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.064 good list-serving software"

                    Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 63.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: International Conference of AHC (29)
             Subject: AHC-2001 Conference - programme and registration

       [2] From: Stuart Lee <stuart.lee@computing- (41)
             Subject: Bibliographies and Technology Day: Oxford

       [3] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> (78)
             Subject: Content-Based Image Retrieval: UK Seminar and Web

             Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 06:29:05 +0100
             From: International Conference of AHC <ahc2001@amu.edu.pl>
             Subject: AHC-2001 Conference - programme and registration

    Apologies for cross-posting.

    ************ NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION ******************
                   Conference Programme available

                  XVth International Conference
                            of the
            Association for History and Computing (AHC)

            "New Methodologies for the New Millennium"

                   Adam Mickiewicz University
                        Poznan, Poland

                       28-31 August 2001



    The International Association for History and Computing
    invites all historians interested in using computer methods
    as well as computer specialists interested in history
    to take part in the conference in Poznan, Poland. It will be
    the 15th international conference organized by the AHC and
    the second one taking place in Central-Eastern Europe.

    [material deleted]

    The contact for all matters connected with the Conference is:


    or (if really necessary) via standard mail:

           AHC 2001
           Instytut Historii UAM
           sw. Marcin 78
           61-809 Poznan

             Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 06:29:56 +0100
             From: Stuart Lee <stuart.lee@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
             Subject: Bibliographies and Technology Day: Oxford

    >Bibliographies and Technology: Research and Management Tools (EndNote) for
    >the Humanities
    >Humanities Computing Unit
    >Oxford University Computing Services
    >13 Banbury Rd
    >Oxford OX2 6NN
    >Tuesday 10 July, 09.15 17.30
    >Lecture Room A
    >Cost 110 (including lunch)
    >This all-day course will provide an introduction to the use and
    >development of bibliographies in humanities research and how online
    >bibliographic resources and reference management software may be used to
    >enhance humanities research. A review of humanities web resources will be
    >followed by discussion of use of the Web as a reference information
    >resource for humanities research. Emphasis will be placed on creating
    >consistent and informative citations to bibliographic resources, including
    >non-traditional resources such as online journals, websites and other
    >web-published research. Participants will gain practical experience using
    >EndNote bibliographic reference management software in order to simplify
    >the acquisition and management of references, both using online reference
    >libraries and their own bibliographies. Further discussion will consider
    >how a computerised bibliographic database can be used as an effective tool
    >for managing the research, and enhancing humanities research by improved
    >access to, and retrieval of, information. By the end of the course,
    >participants will have acquired basic competency with EndNote 4, enabling
    >them to catalogue their own references as well as automate the citation
    >and formatting process during writing.
    >Please book early. Limited places available.
    >To book a place on the course, please contact:
    >Jenny Newman
    >Tel: (01865) 273221, fax: (01865) 273275
    >Information on the web at:
    [material deleted]

             Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 06:34:18 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: Content-Based Image Retrieval: UK Seminar and Web Portal

    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    May 30, 2001

                     U.K. Seminar on Content-Based Image Retrieval
            July 6, 2001: University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne
                        July 20, 2001 University of Manchester

    This announcement for a two-part seminar on Content-Based Image Retrieval
    (CBIR) serves as a reminder of the UK's JISC project on CBIR and the
    associated web portal on CBIR established jointly by the Institute for
    Image Data Research, University of Northumbria, and the Manchester
    Visualization Centre, at the University of Manchester.

    Retrieving images through features automatically extracted (such as color,
    texture and shape) is a technology that is moving out of the laboratory and
    into commercial products (Excalibur, QBIC and Virage). However, the CBIR
    Portal indicates, there are still many unanswered questions: "such as
    whether CBIR techniques can bring about worthwhile improvements in
    performance with real-life image retrieval systems, and where such
    techniques can most profitably be used."

    Designed as an online resource on content-based image retrieval, resources
    on the CBIR site "will provide links to current research and development
    activities, algorithms and techniques, research groups and projects, faq's,
    mailing lists, newsgroups, software and application demos as well as
    related research papers, books, journals, and conferences."

    David Green

    >Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 14:37:15 +0100
    >Reply-To: Liz Lewis <liz.lewis@ahds.ac.uk>
    >>Data Service, foc" <AHDS-ALL@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
    >From: Liz Lewis <liz.lewis@ahds.ac.uk>
    [Message forwarded on behalf of Margaret Graham of the
    Institute for Image Data Research, University of
    Northumbria at Newcastle]

    --- Begin Forwarded Message ---

    With apologies for cross posting
    Joint seminar by Institute for Image Data Research, University of Northumbria
    Manchester Visualization Centre, University of Manchester

    Seminar on Content-Based Image Retrieval
    Friday 6 July, 2001, at University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne
    10.00 - 16.30 hrs
    Friday 20 July, 2001, at University of Manchester, Manchester
    10.00 - 16.30 hrs

    As part of a JISC funded project in Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR),
    IIDR and MVC are pleased to announce that they will be running two free
    one-day seminars on CBIR, in order to disseminate information about the
    technology to the UK HE/FE communities.

    The seminars are being arranged two weeks apart, to allow as many people as
    possible the opportunity to attend at whichever venue and date suits them.

    The seminars will bring together key representatives from the field to
    discuss how leading edge technology can be used to extend digital image
    collections as an information resource.

    These seminars will be of interest to individuals and organisations who have
    existing digital image collections or are in the process of creating a
    digital image collection and who may want to consider extending the search
    capabilities of their database with content-based image retrieval matching

    The general programme is given below and the specific programme for each
    seminar date is available at
    <http://www.cbir.org.uk/seminar/> . Both seminars begin with an overview
    of content-based image retrieval followed by two presentations on the
    subject of content-based image retrieval software and its implementation.
    After lunch attendees will have the opportunity to play with several
    demonstration systems. Guest speakers have been invited for the afternoon
    session to talk on the theme of content-based image retrieval from their
    perspective as a user of image data, a developer and a researcher of the
    technology. Guest speakers will differ at each venue. The seminars will
    close with a questions & answers session.

    The conference is FREE to delegates from Higher and Further Education.

    The number of places is strictly limited and early booking is advised.
    To register for either seminar, complete the online booking form at


    Please circulate this message to interested colleagues.

    [material deleted]

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jun 05 2001 - 01:48:38 EDT