15.080 copyright searching; managing Web resources

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 02:07:09 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.082 call for help: Italian Studies at Duisburg to be closed"

                    Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 80.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> (174)
             Subject: New Copyright Search Method at Copyright Office;
                     Articles on Semantic Web & E-Books in Academe

       [2] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> (109)
             Subject: Guide: Managing Web Resources for persistent access;
                     Conference: Managing Digital Video Content

             Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 07:01:17 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: New Copyright Search Method at Copyright Office; Articles
    on Semantic Web & E-Books in Academe

    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    June 4, 2001



                              May Issue of CIT INFOBITS

                    Includes: "Articles on E-Books in Academe"
                           Article on "The Semantic Web"
                by Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora Lassila,
                             in May SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

    A few collected news notes from two sources: the U.S. Copyright Office
    announcing an experimental method for searching for copyrighted works
    online and the May issue of CIT Infobits (from The University of North
    Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for Instructional Technology) pointing us to
    a "Scientific American" article on the Semantic Web by Tim Berners Lee and
    others, and a collection of articles on the E-Book in the University.

    David Green


    >Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 12:04:49 -0400
    >From: Copyright News <copynews@loc.gov>
    >U.S. Copyright Office
    >June 1, 2001
    >Issue 123
    >-------------Copyright Office---------------
    >The Copyright Office invites NewsNet readers to pilot test a
    >new copyright search method. The Web-based search allows
    >users to find copyright information pertaining to more than
    >14 million works registered since 1978. The interface is
    >designed with user-friendly commands for first-time and
    >occasional users. The older, powerful Telnet-based LOCIS
    >system will also continue to be available.
    >NewsNet readers are encouraged to conduct searches in the
    >system's three databases: registered works, serials, and
    >documents. Pilot testers may report problems they encounter
    >and any suggestions for improvements by email to
    >copyweb@loc.gov. The Copyright Office appreciates your
    >To use the search, connect to


    >Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 13:39:05 -0400
    >From: Carolyn Kotlas <kotlas@email.unc.edu>
    >Organization: ATN/CIT
    >X-Accept-Language: en
    >To: "CIT Infobits Newsletter" <infobits@listserv.unc.edu>
    >Subject: CIT INFOBITS -- May 2001

    >Reply-To: kotlas@email.unc.edu
    >CIT INFOBITS May 2001 No. 35 ISSN 1521-9275
    >"A University That Reveres Tradition Experiments With E-Books" (by
    >Jeffrey R. Young, THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, May 18, 2001, p.
    >A39) describes an experimental University of Virginia seminar in which
    >students use hand-held computers loaded with all the course materials.
    >The seminar is part of a pilot project to see if e-book technologies
    >could allow entire courses to go "bookless." The article is available
    >online at

    >Related articles from the same issue:
    >"Publishers Promote E-Textbooks, but Many Students and Professors Are

    >"Companies Find Academic Libraries a Key Target and a Tough Sell"

    >"Academic E-Publishing: Some Key Players"

    >"Author Says Libraries Shouldn't Abandon Paper"

    >The Chronicle of Higher Education [ISSN 0009-5982] is published weekly
    >by The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc., 1255 Twenty-third Street,
    >NW, Washington, DC 20037 USA; tel: 202-466-1000; fax: 202-452-1033;
    >Web: <http://chronicle.com/>http://chronicle.com/
    >To subscribe contact Circulation Department, The Chronicle of Higher
    >Education, 1255 23rd Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20037 USA; tel:
    >800-728-2803 or 740-382-3322 (outside U.S.);
    >email: circulation@chronicle.com;

    >For another perspective on the future of books, read "The Premature
    >Obituary of the Book: Why Literature?" (THE NEW REPUBLIC, May 14).
    >Mario Vargas Llosa, novelist and professor of literature at Georgetown
    >University, reviews the challenges facing literature and books. The
    >article is available online at

    >The New Republic [ISSN 0028-6583] is published 48 times a year. For
    >more information, contact The New Republic, 1220 19th St. NW Suite 600,
    >Washington, DC 20036 USA; tel: 202-331-7494; fax: 202-331-0275;
    >Web: <http://www.tnr.com/index.html>http://www.tnr.com/index.html
    >The article "The Semantic Web" (by Tim Berners-Lee [inventor of the
    >World Wide Web], James Hendler, and Ora Lassila, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN,
    >May 2001) describes how the World Wide Web will evolve into the
    >Semantic Web which "will bring structure to the meaningful content of
    >Web pages, creating an environment where software agents roaming from
    >page to page can readily carry out sophisticated tasks for user. . . .
    >The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current
    >one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better
    >enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. The first steps
    >in weaving the Semantic Web into the structure of the existing Web are
    >already under way. In the near future, these developments will usher in
    >significant new functionality as machines become much better able to
    >process and 'understand' the data that they merely display at present."
    >The entire article is available online at

    >Scientific American [ISSN 0036-8733] is published monthly by Scientific
    >American, Inc., 415 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017-1111 USA; tel:
    >212-754-0550; Web: <http://www.sciam.com/>http://www.sciam.com/
    >Copyright 2001, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center
    >for Instructional Technology. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in
    >any medium for non-commercial purposes.

    NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National
    Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of
    announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted;
    neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We
    attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate
    reciprocal credit.

    For questions, comments or requests to un-subscribe, contact the editor:
    See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at


             Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 07:02:01 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: Guide: Managing Web Resources for persistent access;
    Conference: Managing Digital Video Content

    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community

                GUIDELINES: Managing Web Resources for Persistent Access

                  CONFERENCE: Managing Digital Video Content Workshop
                          August 15-16, 2001: Atlanta, Georgia

    Two sets of resources to assist in managing digital assets: a new Guide
    from The National Library of Australia on managing a web site and its
    resources to provide the maximum level of persistent access; and a
    conference in Atlanta this August on the issues of managing digital video

    David Green
                                       * * * *

                GUIDELINES: Managing Web Resources for Persistent Access

    >From: Jennifer Hodgeman <jhodgeman@nla.gov.au>
    >To: "'padiforum-l@nla.gov.au'" <padiforum-l@nla.gov.au>
    >>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 15:41:15 +1000

    Managing web resources for persistent access

    The persistence of links to online resources is essential to ensure
    long-term public access to
    web-based materials. The National Library of Australia has just produced a
    set of guidelines called "Managing web resources for persistent access"

    designed to assist
    those responsible for the management of online materials to ensure that
    links made to those resources continue to work.

    The guidelines provide advice on determining the categories of resources
    that require persistent access and systems for managing persistence such as
    redirects, resolver databases or persistent identifier services. The
    guidelines also provide information on how to organise a web site to reduce
    the need to move material around, and to keep older material accessible.

    A printed version of the guidelines is also available and may be obtained by
    contacting the Electronic Unit, National Library of Australia by email at
    elecunit@nla.gov.au or by phone at (02) 62621140

    Julie Whiting

    Julie Whiting
    Electronic Unit, National Library of Australia
    Ph: 61 2 6262 1140

                  CONFERENCE: Managing Digital Video Content Workshop
                          August 15-16, 2001: Atlanta, Georgia

    >Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 09:53:02 -0400 (EDT)
    >From: Joan K Lippincott <joan@cni.org>
    >To: Multiple recipients of list <cni-announce@cni.org>
    >Subject: Managing Digital Video Content Workshop

    CNI is a co-sponsor of this workshop and Clifford
    Lynch will be a keynoter.
    Managing Digital Video Content Workshop
    August 15-16, 2001
    Atlanta, Georgia

    The workshop will focus on practical applications of current and emerging
    standards --Dublin Core, ODRL, XrML, and MPEG7-- for describing and
    managing video assets for any digital video collection, as well as for
    sharing collection information in the global environment using the Open
    Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol.

    Who should attend: Anyone with an interest in managing digital resources
    (campus video departments, IT departments, librarians and archivists)

    Registration Fee: $80.00

    Registration Deadline: July 1, 2001

    Keynote speeches:

    Globally Sharing Information Assets
    Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information:

    MPEG7: Transforming Digital Video Asset Description
    Jane Hunter, Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC), Australia

    --ViDe Dublin Core Application Profile for Digital Video
    --OAI Implementation for Dublin Core
    --XML rights metadata for digital video

    Putting the pieces together:
    --Practical experiences digital video and moving image archives
    --Digital asset management vendor panel
    --What to look for in a digital asset management system.
    --Hands-on breakout workshops for applying the standards, with databases
    and programming provided to attendees

    Exhibit area showcasing digital asset management system vendors will be
    available throughout the conference

    Conference sponsors:
    Coalition for Networked Information
    Southeastern Universities Research Association

    Registration: The conference sponsors require a minimum advance
    registration of 50; the facilities can hold a maximum of 180. Therefore,
    please register as soon as possible.

    Conference web site contains registration, agenda, hotel &transportation
    NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National
    Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of
    announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted;
    neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We
    attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate
    reciprocal credit.

    For questions, comments or requests to un-subscribe, contact the editor:
    See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at


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