17.284 new books

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 02:13:18 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 284.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

             Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 06:59:32 +0100
             From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk>
             Subject: new books

    Embedded System Design

    edited by

    Peter Marwedel
    University of Dortmund, Germany

    Embedded systems can be defined as information processing systems embedded
    into enclosing products such as cars, telecommunication or fabrication
    equipment. Such systems come with a large number of common characteristics,
    including real-time constraints, and dependability as well as efficiency
    requirements. Following the success of information technology (IT) for
    office and workflow applications, embedded systems are considered to be the
    most important application area of IT during the coming years. This
    importance of embedded systems is so far not well reflected in many of the
    current curricula.
    Embedded System Design is intended as an aid for changing this situation.
    It provides the material for a first course on embedded systems, but can
    also be used by PhD students and professors. A key goal of this book is to
    provide an overview of embedded system design and to relate the most
    important topics in embedded system design to each other. It should help to
    motivate students as well as professors to put more emphasis on education
    in embedded systems. In order to facilitate teaching from this book,
    slides, exercises and other related material can be downloaded via the
    author's web page.
    Special Offer
    Available at a reduced price for course adoption when ordering six copies
    or more. Please contact Customer Services (services@wkap.nl) for further
    (Please refer to promotional code 738020 when ordering.)

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-7690-8 Date: November 2003 Pages: 258 pp.
    EURO 104.00 / USD 115.00 / GBP 71.00

    Connectionist Approaches in Economics and Management Sciences

    edited by

    Cédric Lesage
    CREREG CNRS, University of Rennes, France

    Marie Cottrell
    SAMOS MATISSE CNRS, University of Paris 1, France


    Since the beginning of the 1980's, many new approaches of biomimetic
    inspiration have been defined and developed for imitating the brain
    behavior, for modeling non linear phenomenon, for providing new hardware
    architectures, for solving hard problems. These approaches include: Neural
    Networks, Multilayer Perceptrons, Genetic algorithms, Cellular Automates,
    Self-Organizing maps, etc. They can be summarized by the word
    Connectionism, and consist of an interdisciplinary domain between
    neuroscience, cognitive science and engineering. First they were applied in
    computer sciences, engineering, biological models, pattern recognition,
    motor control, learning algorithms, etc. However, it rapidly appeared that
    these methods could be of great interest in the fields of Economics and
    Management Sciences. The main difficulty was the distance between
    researchers, the difference in the vocabulary used and their basic
    background. The main notions used by these news techniques were not
    familiar to the Social and Human Sciences researchers.
    The purpose of the book is to put these new techniques at the disposal of
    researchers coming from different horizons, to assess the state of the art,
    to identify the capability of these new algorithms, to evidence the
    contribution of these methods to Economics and Management Sciences. It is a
    privileged place to expose the know-how and to discuss new developments and
    problems encountered in the researches.
    The contributions in this book bring new confirmations of the interest of
    connectionist approaches for researchers in Economics and Management
    Sciences. The first part is dedicated to theoretical advances; the second
    part presents a wide range of applications. All papers contain interesting
    results on each subject, which would have been very difficult to show with
    classical techniques but which has been proven by using these connectionist
    non linear methods. They reflect the great diversity of connectionist
    approaches of which we know the reader will benefit for his(her) own
    research. If this study enlarges the range of analysis tools for
    researchers in Economics and Management we will have reached our goal of
    sharing our interest in these new and fascinating connectionist methods.

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-7535-9 Date: October 2003 Pages: 269 pp.
    EURO 119.00 / USD 108.00 / GBP 75.00

    Technological Aspects of Virtual Organizations
    Enabling the Intelligent Enterprise


    Alea M. Fairchild
    Vesalius College/Vrije University Brussel, Belgium; Greiner International,

    Virtual organizations are frequently discussed in management texts in the
    context of e-business and remote working. Yet the technical infrastructure
    that allows individuals, groups and corporations to have virtual
    relationships is rarely discussed in management books, and if so, the
    relationship between technology and the managerial issues is glossed over,
    or not properly elaborated.
    This textbook, designed for final year undergraduates and MBA students,
    considers the theory and practice of virtual organizations at three levels:
    the individual, the group, and the corporation. The justification for this
    approach is that at each level one sees manifestations of different
    problems that have to be considered in the design and implementation of
    relevant tools. These problems center on how information is used or, more
    precisely, how it is accessed, created, communicated, and reused once
    again. The technology appropriate for individuals may be different from the
    technology for groups or corporations. Ultimately, the reader should get a
    better understanding of the relationship between people and technology.

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-1732-4 Date: October 2003 Pages: 210 pp.
    EURO 80.00 / USD 88.00 / GBP 55.00

    Public and Situated Displays
    Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display Technologies

    edited by

    Kenton O'Hara
    The Appliance Studio, Bristol, UK

    Mark Perry
    Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK

    Elizabeth Churchill
    Fuji-Xerox Palo Alto Laboratory Inc., CA, USA

    Daniel Russell
    IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, USA


    Public and situated display technologies can have an important impact on
    individual and social behaviour and present us with particular interesting
    new design considerations and challenges. While there is a growing body of
    research exploring these design considerations and social impact this work
    remains somewhat disparate, making it difficult to assimilate in a coherent
    manner. This book brings together the perspectives of key researchers in
    the area of public and situated display technology. The chapters detail
    research representing the social, technical and interactional aspects of
    public and situated display technologies. The underlying concern common to
    these chapters is how these displays can be best designed for
    collaboration, coordination, community building and mobility. Presenting
    them together allows the reader to examine everyday display activities
    within the context of emerging technological possibilities.
    Audience: This book is intended as an important foundational text for
    researchers and practitioners in the areas of CSCW, Ubiquitous Computing
    and HCI as well as a useful reference for advanced undergraduate and
    postgraduate students on HCI, psychology, information systems and computer
    science courses.

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-1677-8 Date: October 2003 Pages: 456 pp.
    EURO 124.00 / USD 136.00 / GBP 86.00

    Perspectives on Software Requirements

    edited by

    Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite
    Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Jorge Horacio Doorn
    Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Requirements engineering is a field of knowledge concerned with the
    systematic process of eliciting, analyzing and modeling requirements.
    Requirements engineering is usually understood in relation to software
    system requirements, most of its principles and some of its techniques can
    be adapted to other problems dealing with complex sets of requirements. The
    engineering vision indicates that this should be a practical and
    well-defined process where trade-offs have to be considered to obtain the
    best results. Mature software development needs mature requirements
    engineering. This was true ten years ago when requirements engineering
    became an important component of the software development process. It
    remains true today when the pressure to deliver code on time and on budget
    is increasing, and the demand for higher quality software also increases.
    Perspectives On Software Requirements presents perspectives on several
    current approaches to software requirements. Each chapter addresses a
    specific problem where the authors summarize their experiences and results
    to produce well-fit and traceable requirements. Chapters highlight familiar
    issues with recent results and experiences, which are accompanied by
    chapters describing well-tuned new methods for specific domains.
    Perspectives On Software Requirements is designed for a professional
    audience, composed of researchers and practitioners in industry. This book
    is also suitable as a secondary text for graduate-level students in
    computer science and engineering.

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-7625-8 Date: October 2003 Pages: 296 pp.
    EURO 122.00 / USD 135.00 / GBP 84.00

    Realism in Action
    Essays in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences

    edited by

    Matti Sintonen
    University of Tampere, Finland

    Petri Ylikoski
    University of Helsinki, Finland

    Kaarlo Miller
    University of Helsinki, Finland


    Realism in Action is a selection of essays written by leading
    representatives in the fields of action theory and philosophy of mind,
    philosophy of the social sciences and especially the nature of social
    action, and of epistemology and philosophy of science. Practical reason,
    reasons and causes in action theory, intending and trying, and
    folk-psychological explanation are some of the topics discussed by these
    leading participants. A particular emphasis is laid on trust, commitments
    and social institutions, on the possibility of grounding social notions in
    individual social attitudes, on the nature of social groups, institutions
    and collective intentionality, and on common belief and common knowledge.
    Applications to the social sciences include, e.g., a look at the
    Erklären-Verstehen controversy in economics, and at constructivist and
    realist views on archeological reconstructions of the past.

    1: Realism, Truth, And Explanation. What Philosophers Should Know about
    Truth and the Slingshot; F. Stoutland. From Erklären-Verstehen to
    Prediction-Understanding: The Methodological Framework in Economics; W.J.
    Gonzalez. The Archaeological Construction of the Past: Some Realist
    Moderations; U.Mäki. The Backward Induction Paradox and Epistemic Logic;
    2: Philosophy Of Mind And Action Theory. The Scope of Motivation and the
    Basis of Practical Reason; R. Audi. Activity and Passivity; M. Brand.
    Reasons and Causes: The Case of Collingwood; R.Martin. Intending and
    Trying: Tuomela vs. Bratman at the Video Arcade; A. Mele. Spinoza on Causal
    Explanation of Action; J. Pietarinen. On the Structuralist Constraints on
    Explanatory Scheme of Folk Psychology; M. Kuokkanen.
    3: Intentions, Trust And Social
    Institutions. Commitments; K. Miller. The Components of Rational Trust; M.
    Tuomela. Grounding We-intentions in Individual Social Attitudes; C.
    Castelfranchi. Social Groups, Collective Intentionality, and Anti-Hegelian
    Skepticism; F. Hindriks. Social Institutions; S.Miller. Common Belief and
    Common Knowledge; G. Meggle. Others Will Do It: Social Reality by
    Opportunists; P. Makela, P. Ylikoski. Science as Collective Knowledge; I.

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-1667-0 Date: November 2003 Pages: 286 pp.
    EURO 125.00 / USD 138.00 / GBP 86.00

    Wholes, Sums and Unities


    Ariel Meirav
    University of Haifa, Israel


    According to Ariel Meirav, the root of some of our most noteworthy
    difficulties in the metaphysics of concrete entities has been the
    traditional tendency to focus on the horizontal dimension of wholes (i.e.
    relations between the parts of a whole), and to neglect the vertical
    dimension (i.e. relations between the whole itself and its parts). In
    Wholes, Sums and Unities, Meirav formulates a critique of widely accepted
    mereological assumptions, presents a new conception of wholes as `Unities',
    and demonstrates the advantages of this new conception in treating a
    variety of metaphysical puzzles (such as that of Tibbles the cat). More
    generally he suggests that conceiving wholes as Unities offers us a new way
    of understanding the world in non-reductive terms.

    1: Introduction. I. Plato's Challenge.
    II. Two Approaches to Wholes and Parts.
    III. Illustration of the Idea of a Three-Tiered Whole.
    IV. The Theoretical Context.
    V. Outline of the Argument.
    One: Wholes.
    2: Concrete Comprising Entities. I. Preliminaries.
    II. Ways of Being One. Appendix: Plural Quantification.
    3: Types of
    Comprising Entities. I. Collective and Distributive Classes.
    II. Distributive Classes and Concreteness.
    III. Collections.
    4: Theory and
    Pre-theory of Wholes. I. The Pre-theoretical Conception.
    II. Preliminaries to a Theoretical Conception.
    Part Two: Sums. 5:
    Classical and Neoclassical Mereology. I. Principles of Classical and
    Neoclassical Mereology.
    II. Limitations of the Notion of a Classical Sum.
    III. Flexibility of the Notion of a Neoclassical Sum.
    Traditional Higher Wholes as Sums. I. Organic Wholes and Gestalts.
    II. Features of Organic Wholes and Gestalts.
    III. Organic Wholes and Gestalts as Sums.
    7: Criticism of the Notion of a Neoclassical Sum. I. Conditioned Sums.
    II. Non-unique Sums.
    III. Mereologically Varying Sums.
    8: Sums, Collections and All the Parts. I. Inherent Limitation in the
    Notion of a Sum.
    II. Classical Sums as Identical to their Parts.
    Part Three: Unities. 9: A Theory of Unities. I. Introduction.
    II. Unities and Collections.
    III. Principles for a Theory of Unities. Appendix: Proofs of Theorems.
    10: Further Elaborations and
    Applications. I. Perspectives on the Theory of Unities.
    II. Applying a Theory of Unities.
    III. The Paradox of Tibbles. Bibliography. Index.

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-1660-3 Date: November 2003 Pages: 318 pp.
    EURO 130.00 / USD 143.00 / GBP 90.00

    Experts in Science and Society

    edited by

    Elke Kurz-Milcke
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

    Gerd Gigerenzer
    Max Planck Institute for Human Behavior, Berlin, Germany

    In today's complex world, we have come to rely increasingly on those who
    have expertise in specific areas and can bring their knowledge to bear on
    crucial social, political and scientific questions. Taking the viewpoint
    that experts are consulted when there is something important at stake for
    an individual, a group, or society at large, Experts in Science and Society
    explores what personally traits contribute to the making of an expert and
    how a society actually determines that a person has expertise. It covers a
    wide range of areas in order to be inclusive as well as to demonstrate
    similarities across areas. Likewise, in order to be culturally comparative,
    this volume includes examples and discussions of experts in different
    countries and even in different time periods. The topics include the roles
    of political experts, scientific experts, medical experts, legal experts,
    and more.

    Hardbound ISBN: 0-306-47903-6 Date: December 2003 Pages: 320 pp.
    EURO 67.50 / USD 75.00 / GBP 46.50

    Rediscovering the History of Psychology
    Essays Inspired by the Work of Kurt Danziger

    edited by

    Adrian Brock
    University College Dublin, Ireland

    Johann Louw
    University of Cape Town, South Africa

    Willem van Hoorn
    University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands


    For the last 25 years, Kurt Danziger's work has been at the center of
    developments in history and theory of psychology. This volume makes
    Danziger's work the focal point of a variety of contributions representing
    several active areas of research. The authors are among the leading figures
    in history and theory of psychology from North America, Europe and South
    Africa, including Danziger himself. This work will serve as a point of
    departure for those who wish to acquaint themselves with some of the most
    important issues in this field.

    Hardbound ISBN: 0-306-47906-0 Date: December 2003 Pages: 246 pp.
    EURO 81.00 / USD 90.00 / GBP 56.00

    Furthering Talk
    Advances in the Discursive Therapies

    edited by

    Thomas Strong
    University of Calgary, AB, Canada

    David Pare
    University of Ottawa, ON, Canada

    This significant volume brings together noted clinicians to offer practical
    ways of using narrative techniques in therapy. The ideas presented build
    upon the "first wave" of narrative thinking that has influenced the field
    for the past decade. A range of timely topics are covered including
    sections of "dialogue" with the authors to demonstrate how these therapies
    are carried out. Both clinicians and graduate students alike will find this
    book of great value.

    Hardbound ISBN: 0-306-47907-9 Date: December 2003 Pages: 292 pp.
    EURO 63.00 / USD 69.95 / GBP 43.50

    Algorithms in Ambient Intelligence

    edited by

    Wim Verhaegh
    Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Emile Aarts
    Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Jan Korst
    Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


    The advent of the digital era, the Internet, and the development of fast
    computing devices that can access mass storage servers at high
    communication bandwidths, have brought within our reach the world of
    ambient intelligent systems. To provide users with information,
    communication, and entertainment at any desired place and time in an
    intuitive, efficient, and effective way requires quite some system
    intelligence that is generated by smart algorithms. The need for such
    algorithms, which run on digital platforms that are integrated into
    consumer electronics devices, has strengthened the interest in
    computational intelligence.
    This book is the outcome of a series of discussions at the Philips
    Symposium on Intelligent Algorithms, which was held in Eindhoven on
    December 2002. It contains many exciting and practical examples from this
    newly developing research field, which can be positioned at the
    intersection of computer science, discrete mathematics, and artificial
    intelligence. The examples include machine learning, content management,
    vision, speech, content augmentation, profiling, music retrieval, feature
    extraction, audio and video fingerprinting, resource management, multimedia
    servers, network scheduling, and IC design.

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-1757-X Date: December 2003 Pages: 354 pp.
    EURO 125.00 / USD 138.00 / GBP 80.00

    Authoring Tools for Advanced Technology Learning Environments
    Toward Cost-Effective Adaptive, Interactive and Intelligent Educational

    edited by

    Tom Murray
    Hampshire College, Amherst, MA, USA

    Stephen Blessing
    Carnegie Learning Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

    Shaaron Ainsworth
    University of Nottingham, UK

    This edited book gives a comprehensive picture of the state of the art in
    authoring systems and authoring tools for advanced technology instructional
    systems. Issues of authoring, cost-effectiveness, interoperability and
    re-usability have been at the forefront in recent years in educational
    software in general and in the field of advanced, adaptive and intelligent
    educational software more specifically. This book includes descriptions of
    fifteen systems and research projects from almost every significant effort
    in the field of advanced technology authoring systems. Included, is a
    chapter comprising of an extensive overview of the field, summarizing the
    work of dozens of systems and projects and providing an analytical
    framework for comparing them.
    The book will appeal to researchers, teachers and advanced students working
    in the following areas: education (all levels), instructional technology
    and computer-based education, psychology, cognitive science and computer
    We imagine two types of readers. First are academic or industry personnel
    in the field of instructional software research or development. They might
    ask the question "what methods and designs have been used and how
    successful have they been?", in their efforts to build the next generation
    of systems. The second type of reader is the user, developer or purchaser
    of instructional software (advanced intelligent or otherwise) who might ask
    the question: "what is really available, or soon to be available, to make
    advanced educational software authoring cost effective?"

    Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-1772-3 Date: December 2003 Pages: 571 pp.
    EURO 185.00 / USD 204.00 / GBP 128.00

    Dr Willard McCarty | Senior Lecturer | Centre for Computing in the
    Humanities | King's College London | Strand | London WC2R 2LS || +44 (0)20
    7848-2784 fax: -2980 || willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk

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