17.617 conferences and workshops

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Sat Feb 07 2004 - 03:52:44 EST

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 617.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

   [1] From: Alessio Lomuscio <alessio@dcs.kcl.ac.uk> (46)
         Subject: LCMAS@ESSLLI Final CFP

   [2] From: "Helen Tibbo" <tibbo@email.unc.edu> (68)
         Subject: Digitization Management Workshop Early Registration
                 Ending Soon

   [3] From: "ICECCS 2004" <iceccs@------------.dsi.unifi.it> (37)
         Subject: Conference and Worshop on Complex Computer Systems

   [4] From: Methods for Modalities <m4m@uva.nl> (26)
         Subject: ESSLLI 2004: Preliminary Announcement

   [5] From: Natasha Alechina <nza@Cs.Nott.AC.UK> (24)
         Subject: CfP Workshop of guarded logics ESSLLI'04

         Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 07:49:08 +0000
         From: Alessio Lomuscio <alessio@dcs.kcl.ac.uk>
         Subject: LCMAS@ESSLLI Final CFP

                          Final Call for Papers


                              An ESSLLI04 Workshop on
              Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems


The workshop, this year in its second edition, aims at bringing
together graduate students and researchers interested in topics
related to the use of formal tools when applied to modelling,
specifying, verifying, and reasoning about multi-agent systems in
which communication and updating play a crucial role. Specifically,
the workshop aims at providing a forum for discussing technical issues
that arise with formalisms (epistemic, temporal, dynamic and
authentication logics and tools) inspired by the needs of modelling
information exchanges in multi-agent systems.

The workshop will be held within the context of ESSLLI04, the 2004
edition of the European Summer School on Logic Language and
Computation, to be held in Nancy in August 2004.


Particular focus of attention will be given to papers relating to the
following specific themes:

   * Dynamics of epistemic positions: Combinations of epistemic logic
     and temporal logic (and related semantical issues) resulting from
     communicative acts, such as message passing, broadcasting, etc.
     Modelling of epistemic updates, and refinements following
     communicative acts.

   * Communication protocols: Semantics for communications processes in
     multi-agent systems. Formal dependencies between communication
     protocols and intensional (e.g., epistemic) properties of the
     agents. Using CSP and CCP for agent-communication.

   * Security and authorisation: Logics (deontic logic, BAN logic, etc.)
     for security and authorisation, where the assumption that the other
     agents in the network are cooperative, or at least not hostile, is
     dropped. Semantics for authorisation logics that are general and
     complete, or languages that are strong enough to prove that certain
     occasions (intruders entering the network, unwanted eavesdropping)
     do not occur.

   * Semantics of speech acts: Logical semantics of speech acts and
     institutional communication. Semantics of agent communication
     languages and their relationship to speech acts. Logics for
     planning speech acts. Relationships between speech act theory and
     belief revision & epistemic updates.

[material deleted]


About ESSLLI-2004: http://esslli2004.loria.fr/
About the workshop: http://www.win.tue.nl/%7Eevink/lcmas04.html

         Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 07:52:12 +0000
         From: "Helen Tibbo" <tibbo@email.unc.edu>
         Subject: Digitization Management Workshop Early Registration
Ending Soon

For anyone contemplating a digitization project or managing digital
heritage collections….
I am pleased to announce that for the third year, the School of Information
and Library Science, UNC-Chapel Hill, will host the Digitization for
Cultural Heritage Professionals workshop, this year May 16-21. This is a
great week of hard work and community building that brings students
together with instructors from the University of Glasgow, Scotland,
UNC-Chapel Hill, and Duke University. The curriculum will be significantly
revised this year to reflect new developments, technologies, media, and
issues. Come join us in Chapel Hill the third week of May! Early
Registration ends February 15th and slots are filling quickly so register
early. Cost information, course details and an online registration form can
be found at <http://www.ils.unc.edu/DCHP/>http://www.ils.unc.edu/DCHP/. See
more below too! -Helen


Digitization for Cultural and Heritage Professionals 2004

The School of Information and Library Science at the University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill in conjunction with the Humanities Advanced
Technology and Information Institute, University of Glasgow, Rice
University’s Fondren Library, and Duke University Libraries, is pleased to
announce the fifth Digitization for Cultural and Heritage Professionals
course, May 16 - May 21, 2004. The course ran at Rice University, Houston
in 2000 and 2001 and in UNC-Chapel Hill in 2002 and 2003. Full information,
course details, and an online registration form can be found on the SILS
web pages at: <http://www.ils.unc.edu/DCHP/>http://www.ils.unc.edu/DCHP/.

With a new curriculum for 2004, this one-week intensive course will consist
of lectures; seminars; lab-based practicals (offering both guided tuition,
as well as an opportunity for individual practice) and visits to the UNC
and Duke University libraries. The teaching team includes Drs. Seamus Ross
and Ian Anderson from Glasgow, Dr. Helen Tibbo from UNC-CH, and Dr. Paul
Conway from Duke University.

Enrollment is limited, so please register early to confirm a place.
COSTS, REGISTRATION, AND DEADLINES. Course Fees (including study materials,
mid-morning coffee, lunch, afternoon coffee breaks, and two dinners.
Accommodations are not included):

- Advanced booking price: $700 (if a place is booked and the course fees
are paid by February 15th, 2004).
- Normal price: $800 (if a place is booked and the course fees are paid
after February 15, 2004)
Please use the web page to register online at:
for registration questions, contact:
Ms. Lara Bailey
School of Information and Library Science
Manning Hall CB#3360
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Phone: 919.962.8366
Fax: 919.962.8071
For course content questions, contact:
Dr. Helen R. Tibbo
School of Information and Library Science
Manning Hall CB#3360
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Phone: 919.962.8063
Fax: 919.962.8071

Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Professor
School of Information and Library Science
201 Manning Hall
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Tel: 919.962.8063
Fax: 919.962.8071

         Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 07:53:08 +0000
         From: "ICECCS 2004" <iceccs@------------.dsi.unifi.it>
         Subject: Conference and Worshop on Complex Computer Systems

IEEE International Conference on
Engineering of Complex Computer Systems,
IEEE ICECCS, Florence, Italy, 14-16 April, 2004


Workshop on Software and Complex Systems, WSCS
14th April 2004 , Florence , Italy

This workshop will concentrate on how Software Technologies and Distributed
Systems can help in the design and management of complex systems, linking
industrial and academic partners, research and application.

organised by:
- European Commission, DG INFSO D3, INFSO, Software Technologies and
Distributed Systems.
- DISIT-DSI, Distributed Systems and Internet Technology,
    Department of Systems and Informatics, University of Florence


Chaired by:
José-Luis Fernández-Villacañas, Paolo Nesi, Alessandro Fantechi


Topic Areas: related to complex computer-based systems, including the
causes of
complexity and means of avoiding, controlling, or coping with complexity.
Topic areas includes, but are not limited to:
* System and software architecture and system engineering
* Tools, environments, and languages for complex systems
* Formal methods and approaches to manage and control complex systems
* Integration of heterogeneous technologies
* Software and system development and control processes for complex systems
* Human factors and collaborative aspects
* Interoperability and standardization
* Systems and software safety and security
* Industrial automation, embedded and/or real time systems
* Content production and distribution systems, mobile and multi-channel
* Software complexity visualization
* Virtual environments for managing complexity


         Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 07:53:47 +0000
         From: Methods for Modalities <m4m@uva.nl>
         Subject: ESSLLI 2004: Preliminary Announcement


                     Preliminary Announcement

                            ESSLLI 2004

                 Nancy, France 9-20 August, 2004
ESSLLI 2004, the 16th European Summer School in Logic, Language and
Information will be held in Nancy, France 9-20 August, 2004. It is
being hosted by LORIA (the Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en
informatique et ses applications) and will be held on the Campus
Scientifique of the University of Nancy 1 (University Henri Poincare).

ESSLLI is the annual summer school of FoLLI, the European Association
for Logic, Language and Information. Like previous ESSLLIs, ESSLLI
2004 will offer a two week program of foundational lectures,
introductory lectures, advanced lectures, and workshops. All in all,
48 lectures and workshops will be offered. You can find more
information, including a timetable, at the ESSLLI 2004 website:


Registration for ESSLLI 2004 is not yet open, but on this website you
will already find preliminary information about registration,
accomodation and prices. An email announcement will be sent around
when registation opens.

We look forward to seeing you in Nancy this August!

Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn (for the organising committee)
Helene Kirchner (Director of Loria)


         Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 07:55:17 +0000
         From: Natasha Alechina <nza@Cs.Nott.AC.UK>
         Subject: CfP Workshop of guarded logics ESSLLI'04

9 - 13 August 2004
organized as part of
European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2004)
9 - 20 August 2004 in Nancy.

Workshop organizer: Natasha Alechina

Workshop purpose

It's been almost ten years since Andreka, van Benthem and Nemeti proved
decidability of the guarded fragment of first order logic. Given how natural
and expressive guarded quantification is, this result gave logicians a
powerful tool of proving decidability of many formalisms arising in computer
science applications, and generated much research into extensions of the
guarded fragment to fixed point logic, transitive guards etc. A wealth of
new proof techniques developed as a result. The workshop intends to bring
this research together for the benefit of advanced logic and computer
science PhD students interested in the area, and use a mixture of invited
and contributed talks to cover both the new proof techniques and the
relevance of guarded quantification for applications of logic in computer

Workshop details

[material deleted]

     About ESSLLI-2004: http://esslli2004.loria.fr/
     About the workshop: http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~nza/GF04/

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