14.0208 Janet Murray chat; talk on computes in linguistics

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 08:49:08 CUT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0211 new on WWW: narratology, Internet course, JEP issue"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 208.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni- (89)
             Subject: "Prof. Janet Murray", "the Queen of Future Narratives
                     in Cyberspace" at ELO chat on September 9

       [2] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni- (64)
             Subject: Talk on "Using Computers in Linguistics" on 9/11

             Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 09:42:21 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: "Prof. Janet Murray", "the Queen of Future Narratives in
    Cyberspace" at ELO chat on September 9

    Greetings scholars,

    ((Notes from Arun Tripathi==>
    [An interesting venture to visit --please join the team of hypertext scholars
    and digital storytellers --for an Electronic Literature Chat with "Janet
    Murray", "the Queen of Future Narratives in Cyberspace" on Saturday, September
    9. An invitation --to give a sense of feeling on the social tele-embodiment,
    the future of narratives in cyberspace -digital storytelling, interactive
    design. Janet Murray is a distinguished contributing interactive designer,
    she is currently working on two *magnificent books*: "Principles of
    Interactive Design" (a textbook, to be published my MIT Press) and "The
    God in the Machine: Why We Need Computers to Become More Human".

    Besides teaching "Information Design and Technology" and "Interactive Design"
    at Georgia Tech. University, she is also working as a "Senior Research
    Scientist" with "The Center for Educational Computing Initiative" at MIT
    (http://www-ceci.mit.edu) --created in 1991 to advance the state-of-the-art
    and state-of-the-practice use of computation and communication technologies
    for learning and teaching --an important base. Janet Murray is also an
    authority at PAINT: Program in Advanced Interactive Narrative Technology,
    see at (http://www-ceci.mit.edu/projects/Eliza/>

    Recently, she wrote a book "Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative
    in Cyberspace" --the "Review" of her book, -exquisitely done by Prof. John
    McLaughlin with hyperlinks to her works can be read at
    (http://johnmclaughlin.hypermart.net/hamlet.htm) --Complete details about
    her and her latest actvities in digital design can be read at

    Her slide presentation on "The God in the Machine: Design Principles for
    Digital Resources in the Humanities" can be
    read at (http://web.mit.edu/jhmurray/www/futHum/sld001.htm)

    Thank you, I will try my best to be there, and hope to c u there too!

    Sincerely yours
    Arun Tripathi]

    Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 22:03:31 -0600
    From: Deena <textra@chisp.net>

    Please join us for an Electronic Literature Chat with Janet Murray on
    Saturday, September 9
    20:00 GMT
    21:00 London
    16:00 New York
    13:00 Los Angeles
    06.00 Sydney (Sun Aug 20)
    at http://lingua.utdallas.edu:7000

    How are stories growing and changing on the web? How are we interacting
    with the narrative? How are televison, virtual reality, imagery and
    storytelling converging?

    Janet H. Murray, Professor and Director Laboratory for Advanced Computing
    Initiatives School of Literature, Communication and Culture, teaches
    information design in the Information Design and Technology Program in the
    School of Literature, Communication and Culture.

    Her main interest is interactive narrative, including digital television,
    virtual reality, video games and hypertexts, which is found in her recent
    book, "Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace".
    Other research interests include interactive design, educational
    computing, Victorian studies and applications of advanced computing
    environments. She began her career as a scholar of English narrative, and
    has published several volumes detailing the lives of Victorian women. This
    work grew out of her interest in what was left out of the great Victorian
    novels -- what could not be said within the conventional narrative and
    cultural structures of that time and place. She is drawn by the new
    digital medium because -- like the book or the movie camera before it -- it
    expands our ability to capture human experience and holds the promise of
    expanding human understanding and human sympathies.


    These twice monthly chats provide an opportunity for creative writers and
    readers to get together and discuss the exciting innovations and
    possibilities in hypertext and other forms of electronic
    literature. Each chat features a special guest from among the leading
    lights on the electronic literature world. Chats are archived at


    To take part in the ELO chats, just go to the Lingua MOO and sign in as a
    guest. If you'd like to learn more about MOOing, please e-mail Deena
    Larsen at textra@chisp.net for a short tutorial. To
    enter LinguaMOO, click onthe URL: http://lingua.utdallas.edu:7000

    Your browser must be either Netscape Communicator version 4.08 or
    newer, or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or newer. Java,
    Javascript, and Cookies must be enabled for the system to
    work. Otherwise, please , telnet to lingua.utdallas.edu 8888

    Once in LinguaMOO, type in @go eliterature to get to the electronic
    literature chat room.

       Once there, you can type a quotation mark " and your text to start talking.

       You can also type @who to find out who else is there.

       We hope you'll join us for this exciting chat.
    Electronic Literature Organization
    Come on over to explore the amazing possibilities
    To subscribe, send a blank message to: eliterature-subscribe@eGroups.com

             Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 09:43:05 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: Talk on "Using Computers in Linguistics" on 9/11

    Greetings humanists,

    [Hi, an info on the interesting talk --is forwarded via
    (townsend@ls.berkeley.edu) -an intern list of University
    of California, Berkeley --thought might interest to humanists'
    researchers. The Indo-European Language and Culture Working
    Group is funded by the Townsend Center for the Humanities.
    For further information, please contact IE Working Group
    organizer: Deborah Anderson, at (dwanders@socrates.berkeley.edu)
    Thanks to Prof. Deborah Anderson. Sincerely.-Arun Tripathi]

    Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 10:25:49 -0700 (PDT)
    From: dwanders@socrates.Berkeley.EDU

    The Indo-European Language and Culture Working Group presents:

    Carl-Martin Bunz, Institute of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics and
    Indo-Iranian Studies, University of Saarland, Saarbruecken

    "TITUS: A pioneering project using Computers in Historical and Comparative

    Monday, Sept. 11, 5 p.m.
    Dwinelle 3401, UC Berkeley

    TITUS (Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien /
    Thesaurus of Indo-European Text and Language Materials:
    <http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de> is a joint project initiated and organized
    by the Institute of Comparative Linguistics of the Johann Wolfgang
    Goethe-Universitt, Frankfurt am Main.

    The idea of TITUS was born in 1987, when a small group of Indo-Europeanists
    suggested to concentrate the effort of entering ancient IE texts relevant
    for analysis and reconstruction, into electronic devices in order to
    establish an electronic text database. Now, 13 years after, under the
    leadership of Prof. Dr. Jost Gippert, TITUS still is a pioneering project
    with regard to computer application in Comparative and Historical
    Linguistics. The text database itself, covering IE as well as adjacent
    languages (e.g. Caucasian), has meanwhile increased up to more than 2 GB,
    but the project engages in far more challenging activities than the
    storage of ASCII encoded texts.

    TITUS has indexed the texts, up to now with the help of the WordCruncher
    software, thus enabling very precise retrieval from the server.
    Currently the project is building up a sophisticated retrieval system,
    totally independent from special software, so that in future the text
    database will have an SGML compliant internal structure, which can be
    accessed and searched via HTML. It is quite natural that character
    coding issues are an integral part of the project's daily work. In 1997,
    TITUS launched a Unicode initiative (under the direction of Carl-Martin
    Bunz and Jost Gippert) and keeps in touch with Unicode and ISO, aiming
    at a coding of both transliteration and transcription symbols and
    historic scripts which serves scientific text processing. Moreover, the
    systematic digitization of manuscripts plays an eminent role: special
    branches of TITUS like the Ogam Project and the Tocharica Project make
    intensive use of the electronic imaging technology.

    Besides, the TITUS Website offers an international information panel for
    IE Linguistics, exhibiting programs of courses, conferences, job offers,
    etc. The listing of current research projects (doctoral dissertations
    etc.) is an important service, helping communication and avoiding
    duplication of work.

    My talk will expound the ideas and activities of the TITUS project to a
    public which, I hope, will suggest improvements and enlargements and
    will join the effort aiming at systematic application of computers in an
    endangered academic discipline.
    The Indo-European Language and Culture Working Group is funded by the
    Townsend Center for the Humanities.
    For further information, please contact IE Working Group
    organizer: Deborah Anderson, dwanders@socrates.berkeley.edu.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue Sep 05 2000 - 09:03:41 CUT